Just passing through.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • That’s an interesting point. I guess the mental trauma soldiers faced on the battlefield didn’t really gain attention before Vietnam, maybe because of the general agreement that their sacrifice was worth it no matter how terrible.

    I would love to learn more about all of it. It seems PTSD was not really understood back then, with shell shock being the preferred diagnosis. But what about war zones before shelling? Were they so much less traumatizing? How was PTSD understood before the modern era, and why were we so unprepared for it following the advance of modern warfare?

  • There’s a genocide going on with what appears to be more or less the full support of the countries that make up the defence union my country is a part of.

    There’s war in Europe.

    I find those topics worthy of discussion, and any social media where this is not actively discussed seems to me to be a smokescreen more than anything.

    Of course tragic realities like the genocide we are complacent in, climate change, war in Europe, Russian propaganda and the rise of the far right is going to be actively discussed. It concerns more or less everyone who uses this platform, and they are the most important issues of our time. It’s not about negativity, it’s about coming to terms with reality and seeking to understand it.

    That said, the communities I follow are largely apolitical stuff that interests me. Woodworking, knitting, gardening, owls, art, and the Fediverse. With the exception of [email protected] and [email protected], I let the political stuff come through the cracks rather than actively following it.

    I also have a Piefed account on which I follow news communities but actively filter out Trump and Musk. I can see how Amercians still feel the need to talk about these men, but at the end of the day they’re just fascist attention whores.

  • It varies everywhere, even from state to state in the US.

    The US system is kind of broken - they ask you to vote for way too many things. Where I’m from I just vote for a party - I basically say “yeah, the green party are cool”, and then the party decides who to put in which position should they get enough votes. I can give a +1 to candidates I like personally, but I don’t have to.

    In the US you might be asked to vote for school boards, a sheriff, and a bunch of weird positions. There’s no realistic chance you’ll make an informed decision for all of them.

    Sadly, it’s very important you still vote, because the republicans are using this broken system to fill these positions with far-right lunatics. So basically seek out information as much as you can, but at the end of the day just vote for whichever Democrat is on the ballot whenever in doubt. They’re not guaranteed to be good - in fact they’re likely to be pretty bad - but they’re pretty much guaranteed to be the lesser of two evils.

    Still might vary though - local politics are weird, and there are no rules set in stones. Some places you still have decent republicans on the local level (or so I’ve heard).

  • I do some woodcarving now and then of smaller stuff like knives and cups, but I live in cities and move around a lot, so it’s not all that convenient to get into proper woodworking. I did create a couple of outdoor benches once (that a friend still has on his balcony around a decade later), but they’re more sturdy than they are good looking!

    I recently moved into a more spacious unfurnished apartment and started a three-year contract with work, and my partner and I have been discussing maybe building some furniture for it. Nothing yet though - so far just making it liveable has been the priority. :)