Admin of

I can also be found on the microblog fediverse at @[email protected] or on matrix at

  • 66 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2023


  • I am not willing to exclude trans and queer folk over a difference of opinion, when those opinions are genuinely held, and on issues that directly impact them.

    I am not going to tell queer folk that there is a right or a wrong way to deal with the rising tide of bigotry, racism and intolerance we are all facing.

    As long as the their community rules live up to the instance community guidelines, they’re allowed to moderate on their own terms.

    I get that you see me as “giving them a voice”, and I guess, ultimately it is. But that’s because the goal of blahaj zone is to create a space for trans and queer voices. And that’s what those voices are.

  • I’m not going to remove a community for pushing back against a system that forces them to vote for genocide.

    I don’t think that not voting is the answer, but I also don’t think that me telling people they’re not allowed to feel differently is the answer. The majority of the people in that community will be forced to live with the consequences of their votes. They will be directly targeted by Trump. And if they still feel that pushing back against genocide in Palestine is more important than the consequences of Trump on their very own personal safety, I’m not going to stand in the way of that.

    This isn’t outside trolls and agitators. This is a community of folk, directly in the line of fire, choosing to stand there for a cause they see as important. As long as their intentions are genuine (which I believe they are), It’s not my place to tell them that they’re not allowed to take that stand.

    That being said, I am going to reach out to the staff there, and address the insults and the like being thrown at other users. It’s against both the community rules, and against the Blahaj Zone Community Guidelines.

  • Personally, I prefer an apartment that I have to clean myself, because it means I don’t have to worry about random strangers coming in to my apartment all the time.

    Hotels just don’t work for me. They’re completely disconnected from the location and people around them, and full of people just as unfamiliar with your surrounds as you are.

    When I was in Puerto Iguazu in Argentina, if we’d have been in a hotel, we’d have been in a sculpted, serviced space completely disconnected from the town around it. Instead, we stayed in a tiny little apartment in the back streets of the town. We got to actually see and experience the place, in a way that would have been impossible with a hotel.

    Even if changes like this become universal (and I hope they do) I’ll likely to continue to use Airbnb over hotels when I can.

  • The r50 can do electronic shutter or second curtain shutter, but it doesn’t have a global shutter or full mechanical shutter.

    So, some ELI5 background on camera sensors. Most sensors read the data from the sensor pixel by pixel, line by line. So what that means is that a small amount of time passes between reading the top lines of the sensor and the bottom lines of the sensor. Most of the time, this doesn’t make much difference. But for fast moving objects (or if you’re panning the camera really fast) it means that the scene can change during that passage of time, which is what gives you trains that lean to one side and propellers that look like they’re made of rubber.

    To get around that, you can use a physical shutter. Cameras with “second curtain” shutters physically close off the light to the sensor before they start reading data from the sensor. This means that even though time passes between reading the top and the bottom of the line, the light captured by the sensor does not change during that time, and so the wobbly subjects don’t happen.

    A camera with a full mechanical shutter puts a physical shutter at the beginning of the process and the end, but the gains over second curtain only are negligible.

    In theory, there is also “global shutter” which is a camera that reads the entire sensor at once, but in practice, this technology doesn’t exist at the consumer mirrorless camera level.

    Electronic shutters aren’t all bad though, because they let you do faster shutter speeds than are possible with physical elements, and they let you do higher fps when shooting in burst mode. And electronic shutters are also silent