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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Und es werde „auch nicht mehr lange dauern, bis der Anzeigenmeister [sic!] eins auf die Fresse bekommt“.

    Ich hab den Ausschnitt von Montana nicht gesehen und nehme an, der Ton macht die Musik, aber was er da sagt, war auch mein erster Gedanke, als ich die “Reportage” gesehen habe. Nicht, weil ich denke “ey der gehört verprügelt”, sondern weil das bei der Menge Anzeigen, die er stellt, einfach fast ausgeschlossen ist, dass er nicht früher oder später jemanden erwischt, der sein Temperament nicht im Griff hat.

    Gibt doch auf Reddit (und sicher auch hier drüben) immer mal Berichte von Leuten, bei denen plötzlich der Angezeigte vor der eigenen Tür steht und sich über die Anzeige echauffiert, da einige Behörden aus irgendeinem Grund liebend gern auf Datenschutz scheißen und einfach mal direkt Adressen rausrücken.

    Dazu noch die ganze Scheiße rund um Drachenlord. Wenn sich da die falschen Leute reinsteigern - und die Chance steigt halt durch solche Reportagen massiv - hat der arme Kerl echt die Arschkarte.

  • Epic have come a long way from Epic MegaGames, and it isn’t always a fairytale story I suppose.

    Someone here on Lemmy highlighted that quite nicely when Valve dropped their Half Life documentary. Valve embraces their past. They cherish it. They still maintain their old games to honor their success.

    Epic on the other hand completely wiped old Unreal titles from the relevant stores and don’t give a fuck about supporting any of them. Which is a shame. Also I admire the tech behind of modern Unreal engines, so there are still geniuses at work who are likely passionate. Too bad they essentially only ride the Fortnite train outside their engine development.

  • I want freedom. Offer both so everyone can pick the model that best matches their usage pattern. A GamePass+GeForceNow combo is nice if you want to play a diverse library of games without having to install terrabytes of game data. Also if you only want to play stuff a short while (hello ADHD), a subscription might be better than full price.

    But again: freedom. I don’t want to be forced into subscriptions but neither would I want someone to forbid me from subscribing.

  • As with every software/product: they have different features.

    ZFS is not really hip. It’s pretty old. But also pretty solid. Unfortunately it’s licensed in a way that is maybe incompatible with the GPL, so no one wants to take the risk of trying to get it into Linux. So in the Linux world it is always a third-party-addon. In the BSD or Solaris world though …

    btrfs has similar goals as ZFS (more to that soon) but has been developed right inside the kernel all along, so it typically works out of the box. It has a bit of a complicated history with it’s stability/reliability from which it still suffers (the history, not the stability). Many/most people run it with zero problems, some will still cite problems they had in the past, some apparently also still have problems.

    bcachefs is also looming around the corner and might tackle problems differently, bringing us all the nice features with less bugs (optimism, yay). But it’s an even younger FS than btrfs, so only time will tell.

    ext4 is an iteration on ext3 on ext2. So it’s pretty fucking stable and heavily battle tested.

    Now why even care? ZFS, btrfs and bcachefs are filesystems following the COW philisophy (copy on write), meaning you might lose a bit performance but win on reliability. It also allows easily enabling snapshots, which all three bring you out of the box. So you can basically say “mark the current state of the filesystem with tag/label/whatever ‘x’” and every subsequent changes (since they are copies) will not touch the old snapshots, allowing you to easily roll back a whole partition. (Of course that takes up space, but only incrementally.)

    They also bring native support for different RAID levels making additional layers like mdadm unnecessary. In case of ZFS and bcachefs, you also have native encryption, making LUKS obsolete.

    For typical desktop use: ext4 is totally fine. Snapshots are extremely convenient if something breaks and you can basically revert the changes back in a single command. They don’t replace a backup strategy, so in the end you should have some data security measures in place anyway.

    *Edit: forgot a word.