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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • alcoholicorn@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldCasual reminder
    3 hours ago

    It doesn’t matter if his excuse was some court he can just ignore and face no consequences asked him to keep it in place or if did it on a whim, he had the power to change it, he didn’t use it. It was in place for like 3 and a half years.

    You’re not calling out misinformation, you’re quibbling.

  • alcoholicorn@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldCasual reminder
    3 hours ago

    Nobody is talking about the Muslim ban, we’re talking about the more recent attempt to close the mexican border.

    But it’s irrelevant, you’re still missing the point.

    My point is that Biden’s unpopular actions decrease how many people will vote for him. This is how Biden ensures Trump will come to power.

  • alcoholicorn@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldCasual reminder
    4 hours ago

    Trump’s Title 42 and Muslim ban were far worse.

    Biden waited 3.5 years to end title 42 and tried to close the border. He has deported more people than Trump.

    POTUS has no reasonable control over grocery store prices

    He literally does though. But there’s a million other things he could have done when he had control. Instead we just get excuses about how powerless the party controlling both houses and the presidency was because of Manchin or the parliamentarian or the SCOTUS or some rules the dems set for themselves or norms or whatever.

    There’s no point in quibbling about whether Biden was less bad than trump, these actions decrease how many people will vote for him. Implementing policy that makes you lose the election is refusing to stand in republican’s way.

  • alcoholicorn@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldCasual reminder
    4 hours ago

    We’ve been saying from day one, that if Biden doesn’t move to the left and use every tool at his disposal to improve people’s material conditions, Trump’s going to win in 2024.

    Biden didn’t just not go left, he tried to outflank the republicans from the right by facilitating genocide, ending covid protections, and passing the most draconian border bill since like the 40s.

    This is the closest thing he could have done to handing Trump the presidency, short of appointing him VP and stepping down.

  • alcoholicorn@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldCasual reminder
    6 hours ago

    Yall need to learn some history.

    The liberal SDP split with the communists, supporting “centrist” Hindenburg in the name of unity.

    The communists campaigned on “A vote for Hindenburg is a vote for Hitler is a vote for war”

    Hindenburg won the election, getting more votes than either the communist or fascist candidates.

    Hindenburg, the liberal candidate, then proceeded to make Hitler the chancellor and staff positions of power with nazis while purging the government of communists.

    The nazis then barely had to do anything to assert complete control.

    The nazis didn’t get in power because communists stayed home, they got into power because the liberals would rather work with fascists than communists.

  • cmon do you really believe that the US had nothing to do with the 2014 color revolution or the government that formed after? I mean you can just google news articles from the time, even western news sources were reporting on how the US and EU were involved in the creation and makeup of the new government.

    This was before Zelenski won on a platform of peace, and then failed to get the right-wing militias under control.

  • It’s Ukraines fight. It’s up to Ukraine to decide to forfeit the fight or to keep fighting.

    It was laughably corrupt before the war, and since it’s literally suspended elections. It’s a war between Russia and Ukraine’s ruling classes, the people only pay the price.

    Russia should not have invaded Ukraine in the first place.

    Sure, but Russia’s government doesn’t pretend to represent you or me. The US government does. We could have also avoided this by not doing a coup in Ukraine and putting a hostile government right on Russia’s border.

  • The US is not supplying Ukraine with weapons because they have any interest in the well-being of the people in Ukraine. They are supplying the weapons to extend a war as long as possible to weaken Russia, at the expense of hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded Ukrainians and millions displaced.

    This is infinitely worse for the people living there than if Russia won a quick victory or if we’d taken literally any off-ramp in the last decade.

  • “I don’t like the butcher of Yugoslavia, Libya, and Syria’s vibes” is a bit of an understatement.

    I can only attribute the fact that we didn’t go to war with Iran after Iran’s response to blowing up the guy who beat ISIS while he was on a peace mission to historical coincidence, since it definitely wasn’t Trump’s character, but 0% chance Hillary would have called off the attack at the last minute.

    If Hillary had won, we’d have started a war with Iran the year Covid was starting. And then maybe had Trump in 2020 instead of 2016

    Edit: Anyone downvoting me wanna say why they think the person who was so proud of facilitating the brutal murder of Qaddafi would have pulled back from the brink of war?

  • Not every german.

    But it’s depressing every time I talk politics with one and it turns out they’re a “leftist” who’s actually a liberal, or an “anarchist” who’s a zionist, or a “green” who supported ending all nuclear power (which restarted their coal industry), an “anti-imperialist” who only opposes Germany’s enemies.

    I expect this level of ignorance from American liberals who’ve literally never had a thought outside bourgeois democracy, half of Germany was communist until 30 years ago, they don’t have an excuse.

  • Dems could have had Bernie, Warren, Buttigieg, even Klobuchar, but Biden won pretty handily. That’s on people people.

    Is it though? The media confusing people by claiming Biden is more electable because his policies are closer to what republicans want isn’t on people, nor is every conservative candidate dropping out at once to endorse Biden, while Warren remained in to keep Bernie’s share divided (ensuring that none of the popular policies the former Reagan campaigner ran on were actually implemented), nor is the DNC giving Biden debate questions before hand.