• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Granted. You wake up one day and see a button at the corner of your vision. You think you’re hallucinating but you’re not. You concentrate on it and a debug menu appears which has all sorts of buttons: undo, redo, stop time, resume time, add money, add strength, set health to max, save, load etc.

    It’s great! In fact it’s the best thing that could ever happen to you. You’re free of your depressing life, you can do as you please, you have all the money, all the time, all the chances you could ever want, and you haven’t even seen every option yet.

    But after a few weeks it starts to dawn on you that this kind of thing should really be impossible. It’s like it’s straight from a video game. Are you living in a simulation? Is this a test? Is anything real?

    The more you think about it the more depressed you get and the things that you enjoyed just days earlier seem meaningless. You explore this debug menu a bit more and you find something that you weren’t expecting: the exit button.

    As the days go by and you wake up every morning in your huge mansion with the worst hangover ever, you have had enough and you finally press is.

    For a moment everything goes dark but then you wake up. Tubes and cables are sticking out of your body and you can barely walk. It’s dark and cold, you look around and you see millions of other people hooked up in pods, just like you were. You start to make your way forward, trying to find a way to escape this hell, but it seems to go on for hundreds of kilometers, by your estimation. A few days later you die of dehydration.

  • I read through some of your comments with lots of downvotes, I have a theory why you were heavily downvoted.

    First, people use the dowvote button as a way to express that they disagree, not that they think the content is low quality or unfitting. I don’t see how we can change this other than not having a downvote button at all, this seems to be like an outcome of the up/downvote system.

    Also, you seem to be a person of principles. I know the reactions too well because I also think similarly. For example, I think judging someone by the color of their skin or ethnicity is wrong, and it seems like you do so as well.

    You have a heavily downvoted comment under a post where some Russians faced discrimination and it wasn’t clear if it was happening because they were Russians or there were some other reasons as well. You noted this, and got downvoted because people think racism is ok now because Russia (as a country) is an aggressor in a war.

    People are too quick to put you in a box if you don’t 100% follow their narratives and say even one thing that remind them of others who genuinely belong in that box.

  • I was working on an enterprise web application, there was a legacy system that everyone hated and we replaced it with a more modern one.

    We got a ticket from our PO to introduce a 30 sec delay to one of our buttons. It sounded insane, but he explained that L1 support got too many calls and emails where users thought said button was broken.

    It wasn’t, they were just used to having to wait up to 5 minutes for it to finish doing its thing, so they didn’t notice when it did it instantly.

    We gradually removed that delay, 10 seconds each month, and our users were very happy.