I have been requested to not talk about it.
You know not going won’t inspire anyone to change
Partner stopped going and the next year all family events were fully vegan because family prefers being together over eating flesh.
I have been requested to not talk about it.
You know not going won’t inspire anyone to change
Partner stopped going and the next year all family events were fully vegan because family prefers being together over eating flesh.
I would prefer to spend holidays with family but I don’t because they prefer to eat flesh and I am against animal abuse. I think it’s the right thing to do to protest this by not going but it sucks.
Just tested on nobara 40 (which is basically fedora 40) gnome and it works
Works on Firefox if you ever get angry enough to bother switching.
The CMD key. MacOS got it figured out with CMD separate from ctrl. Never have problems copying from a terminal because CMD+C is not ctrl+C
Source? Australian dietician organization has a specific guide for veg/vegans here: https://member.dietitiansaustralia.org.au/Common/Uploaded files/DAA/Resource_Library/2020/VF_AGHE_for_Vegetarians_updated.pdf
I did not compare them, they just have the trait you claimed was the justification for killing animals. Humans are animals and a subset of us have the trait you described. I just pointed out that is not a good justification.
Ah, you are right, I did. I believe the same can be said about mortality though.
All major dietician organizations agree that living on a plant based diet can be healthy during any stage of life including infancy, pregnancy, etc
Which countries don’t do this?
Human babies also don’t have self awareness. I don’t think that’s a trait that justifies killing someone.
A toddler or a mentally disabled person can’t understand morality. I wouldn’t personally kill and eat those.
They don’t need to eat meat (according to all major dietician organizations). Since it is not out of necessity, it is for pleasure, same as watching animals fight.
98.3% of egg laying hens and 99% of meat chickens are factory farmed and even for that 1.7% of egg laying hens that are not factory farmed the male chicks are still usually macerated alive at one day old.
If you don’t want those then please stop buying it to align your actions with your morals.
There is probably cases where you could try to morally justify anything (like in a survival situation I guess?) but I personally would try to abstain from killing under any circumstance.
The morals around eating animals are luckily not that vague. You do not need animal products to live (say all major dietician organizations) so the only reasons people are eating meat is out of habit or for taste. And pleasure does not justify killing a sentient being.
Intention is what you’re looking for. It is immoral to intentionally kill someone.
All life gets eaten by something eventually, so consumption itself can’t be immoral.
Yeah we are not talking about the consumption part, we are talking about the killing part. If you find a dead squirrel or deer, it’s not immoral to eat them. Ending someone’s life against their will is though, it doesn’t really matter what your intentions are.
The “nothing goes to waste” argument just ignores the victims life though. They did not want to die.
Also seems like a pretty easy solution then to just eat the killed bird and bing bang bosh: cock fighting is morally justified.
I am serious. I know that it is extremely cruel and I agree with you. I just think it’s weird that people are only selectively outraged with this and not with the animal cruelty that happens to the chickens that are for eating.
For example if I had to choose between being a male chick born in the egg industry or in the cock fighting business I would probably choose the fighting since I would rather fight for my life than be put in a blender alive? Maybe that’s not a common opinion and people think that’s more humane than fighting.
I don’t get how there is outrage about chickens fighting when basically all bars serve dead chickens?
Vegan diets are ~16% cheaper on average in the US but even if they weren’t, a dollar a day does not justify killing someone.