• 116 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Thanks for the list!

    I’ve heard bad things about hexbear and beehaw. But I looked at these other two.

    [email protected] – unfortunately too many dumb restrictions.

    Rule: Title must match the article headline <-- definitely a deal killer because often journalists use dumb headlines or leave the most important things out of the headline.

    Rule Recent (Past 30 Days) <-- also a deal killer. Relevant is more important the recent. They are not the same things. “Recent” is only an imperfect proxy for “relevant”.

    [email protected] – We have a winner!

    Rule: Be respectful and civil. No racism/bigotry/hateful speech. <-- perfect

    I would also welcome suggestions for “news” groups outside of lemmy.world and lemmy.ml. [email protected] is okay so far but I’m always looking for possible alternatives.

  • https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/donald-trump-immigration-expansionist/

    We have a distinct lack of skilled workers, and in a variety of types/areas.

    No we do not. That’s propaganda from the wealthy elites to drive down American wages. There are tons of people even in STEM or computer fields who can not get jobs in their majors.

    This is exactly what happened during the days of “No Irish Need Apply”. The big difference here is that it would only apply to college graduates.

    It’s totally different. The “No Irish” signs were about people who had already immigrated here. That stuff was both racist and completely pointless since they were all already here and obviously needed to work. Nothing to do with today. Trump’s going to hand out green cards to the entire world to come here and work an American job. China alone has 1.2 billion people. India alone has 1.4 billion people. Basic law of supply and demand. Increase supply of workers and lower wages and working conditions and worker bargaining power. Also, good luck getting your kid into college ever again.

  • We need large “sibling” instances rather than monoliths like .world, which is to say nothing of the politics of the instance.

    Absolutely 1000%

    This also highlights the destructiveness of toxic moderation. There is plenty of it here too

    I can’t believe that lemmy mods/admins still think they have the luxury of making bone headed moves in a decentralized network. I am determined to get around this and it is the entire reason I am on a decentralized system. We vote with our feet and in the long term it will all work out. I am looking for suggestions for a politics group that is not lemmy.world and not lemmy.ml.

  • The younger you are, the more likely you will be screwed by Traitorapist Trump on:

    The Neofascist threat to America and democracy and the rule of law.

    The younger you are, the more likely you will be screwed by Traitorapist Trump on:

    Nuclear Proliferation resulting from Treason Trump’s New World Disorder. Every country and their brother is going to scramble for nuclear weapons now.

    The younger you are, the more likely you will be screwed by Traitorapist Trump on:

    Climate Chaos. NASA says this causes increased hurricanes, droughts, floods, wildfires, heat waves, and rising sea levels. All of which cause economic hardships and death.

    The younger you are, the more likely you will be screwed by Traitorapist Trump on:

    The Corrupt Supreme Court enshitifying our country by inserting radical changes in the constitution.

    The younger you are, the more likely you will be screwed by Traitorapist Trump on:

    Increased National Debt caused by gigantic GOP tax cuts for the wealthy

    The younger you are, the more likely you will be screwed by Traitorapist Trump on:

    Abortion bans. This has been killing women who didn’t even want abortions by denying them appropriate medical care

    The younger you are, the more likely you will be screwed by Traitorapist Trump on:

    Income inequality. We are caught in a vicious circle where gigantic GOP tax cuts for the wealthy give them more money to enshitify the country which results is more gigantic GOP tax cuts for the wealthy. Rent seekers always pull up the ladder for those coming up behind them.

    The younger you are, the more likely you will be screwed by Traitorapist Trump on:

    Trump’s promise to billionaires to drive down wages by giving away unlimited green cards to foreign workers who graduate from American colleges.

  • You aren’t that special. Universal health care works. Gun control works. Mandatory voting works. All of these things have been tried in other countries and have been policy for decades or centuries in those countries.

    You are absolutely ruining our conservatives’ simple minded theories with all your real world facts. All of their ivory tower theories start out with the assumption that you do not exist.

    e.g. “If people can get free health care they will go to see doctors just for fun and then things will cost too much!”

  • ChromeOS though isn’t actually suitable for running servers like Windows and Linux are. It can’t do nearly the same number of things

    ChromeOS literally is Linux so obviously it can do everything that Linux can. It is effectively a SUPERSET of Linux

    Second all kernel mode code lives on the filesystem.

    Now you are being ridiculous. We are talking about code than runs in the kernel but is not part of any official kernel module including device drivers.

    How did you think it worked?

    What I thought is that you had common sense.

    You keep showing me again and again that you don’t understand the world of computers and modern IT infrastructure. Do you even have any qualifications or work experience in IT?

    Dude you are the person who thinks that the cloudstrike code running in the kernel that is neither part of the kernel nor part of any official kernel device driver code is somehow equivelent to the actual kernel. You are also the person who made the completely nonsensical claim that ChromeOS Linux “can’t do nearly the same things” of Linux. So GTFO with the snarky shit, because I’m the one wondering how you can be so confused about basic stuff.

    Do you even have any qualifications or work experience in IT?

    I’ve been using the internet since 1983. How bout you? LMFAO.

    There is also none of this VMs inside VMs stuff you were talking about.

    Because you didn’t do enough research. My Chrome OS comes with an outer VM, an inner VM, the heavily locked down user mode, and the kernel mode. My Linux programs run in the outer VM by default. I would have to turn on developer mode just to get to the actual user mode.

  • Sure I’ve got lots of evidence.


    [There’s no question that, when it comes to viruses and other forms of malware, Chromebooks are safe. How safe? Well, the website CVE Details1 lists just 55 vulnerabilities for Chrome OS. Compare that to 1,111 vulnerabilities for Windows 10, and a whopping 2,212 for Mac’s OS X; with five percent as many vulnerabilities as its closest competitor, it’s a pretty simple matter to declare Chromebook the safest option…there’s no question that Chromebooks are among the most secure computers you can buy]

    55 vulnerabiilites for Chrome OS vs 1111 vulnerabilities for Windows. Huge difference.

    Rather the file the module reads was updated and replaced with a corrupted version that causes the module to crash when it tries to read it.

    Yes it was a ridiculous system to have kernel mode code on the filesystem. Even if a bad pointer didn’t crash the system a hacker could have put in their own code. And yes such a terrible security system would have affected Linux too. But with ChromeOS, the system is already secure. No need to use a terrible security system like Cloudstrike in the first place.