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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022

  • Are you sure we’re talking about the same Labour party? Cause the Labour party i know is Blairite through and through. It was also under Labour that Britain started to wage ruthless and bloody military campaigns post WW2 in an attempt to cling to its colonial empire, for instance in Malaya. These are their genes, that is their fundamental character: imperialism and neoliberalism. Corbyn was an outlier, a short-lived exception.

  • The capitalist class and the bourgeois state are always waging class war against the workers. Every time they increase your hours, cut your wages, cut your benefits, increase your rent, increase your cost of living, gut your social safety nets, fire you, evict you, outsource your job…that’s class war. What they want is for you to not fight back; they want you to just silently take it like an obedient wage slave.

    They want you to remain atomized, alienated and asleep, fighting over scraps against your fellow worker, not congnizant of your shared class interest and disengaged from any form of collective struggle. Blame yourself, blame the poor, blame the immigrant, blame “the other” who is different, just don’t look up to see the real architects of your misery above you. Never question the system and never ask why so many have so little while so few have so much - “the rich are just like you, don’t you know?”.

    Yet workers have no choice but to fight the class war because they are always under attack. There will always be class war as long as there is class society, because the interests of the exploited and exploiter classes are irreconcilable and diametrically opposed. There is only one way that the class war can end, and that’s when one class eliminates the other. And since capitalists cannot exist without workers whereas workers can exist just fine without capitalists, there is no question who will be left standing and who will go into the dustbin of history.

  • I say vote but vote against the uniparty. Vote only for people who are not only not associated in any way with either side of the uniparty, but who are actively opposed to it. The most delusional stance is not so much thinking that voting makes a difference (which it barely does, if at all), rather it’s thinking that anyone can ever “change things from the inside”. Once you are in the uniparty system it swallows you up and assimilates you like the Borg. We’ve seen this over and over again. Even so-called “independents” more often than not end up in the ecosystem of one or the other part of the duopoly, and they justify it by telling themselves it’s only for fundraising purposes or whatever, but that’s just how you become part of the blob.

  • just so the country they happen to live in can (in the fantasy universe in our mind) get back a peace of land

    If you’re referring to the Donbass, that’s irrelevant, the West couldn’t care less about it. Crimea on the other hand they very much care about since if NATO gets its hands on it they can permanently lock Russia out of the Black Sea, which is why the Anglo empire started the first Crimean war back in the 19th century.

    The reality is that Ukrainians are being sacrificed so that NATO can swallow up yet another part of the former Soviet Union that can be used to “contain”, weaken and destabilize Russia, with the ultimate goal of either re-colonizing or finally balkanizing what’s left of it after the first dismemberment in 1991.