Canadian software engineer living in Europe.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • That you cannot understand technology without understanding the people. And you cannot understand people without understanding politics. Every choice you made has an impact on the world.

    As it happens, I had this very conversation with a high school kid yesterday who was in my office on work experience. She said something to the effect of “I’m not political” to which I looked her dead in the eye and said: “You should be. Everything is political”.

    Thanks for sharing. It’s always good to see people advocating for Free licensing for the right reasons.

  • I like it, and I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that you’re talking about Discovery. I’ve said in the past that the show should be called “Star Trek: Michael Burnham” as it would at least be more honest.

    To be fair, I think every series has a lot of episodes that would fail this test, some of which were excellent, like DS9’s “In the Pale Moonlight”, and “Far Beyond the Stars” or TNG’s “The Inner Light”, but if used to assess a series, I think this could be a good metric.

  • Yeah I share your issue with their stance on Nuclear as well (though having worked in the industry for a few years now, I’m coming to realise it’s a moot point). I’ll push back a bit on your other points though. I’ve always found their proposals to be well thought out and fully costed.

    The reason I’ve long supported them (even when the leadership was chaotic) was that they were the only party with a platform that shared my priority: a world not on fire. the Conservatives muzzled climate scientists, the Liberals literally bought a pipeline and the NDP keeps cozying up to oil in Alberta and loggers in BC.

    Sure we’ve got crystal-clutching anti-nuclear loonies in the Greens, but at least I can trust they actually believe the IPCC enough to want to do something about it.