Doctor xNo

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  • 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023

  • Doctor xNo@r.nftomemes@lemmy.worldTrue monsters
    4 months ago

    I’m wearing 2 pants (one cloth and a jeans with a belt on top) cause it’s cold outside and I slept wearing both yesterday… 🤷‍♂️

    I do prefer without, but it has never really bothered me to sleep in anything I wear… 😅

  • First off, my apologies for the tone of my first post. I am cyclothimic and sometimes (in bad moments) shouldn’t be on social media. Hard to draw that line sometimes, though.

    Secondly, in a more positive manner and admitting my error in comparing native in Android to the Play Store: I had this message popup on a full phone in the Play Store if I wanted to enable it. It is now also in my Play Store settings underneath “Google Play Feedback”.

    I have Play Store v39.4.23-21 [O] [PR] 599960585

    It also only sometimes does Archiving, but not often. Usually it’ll just still pop-up the uninstall-other-apps popup as usual.

  • Doctor xNo@r.nftoMemes@lemmy.ml6÷2(1+2)
    7 months ago

    I don’t see the problem actually.

    1. Everything between ()
    2. Exponents
    3. multiply and devision
    4. plus and minus
    5. Always work from left to right.


    1. 1+2= 3

    2. No exponents

      • 6 devised by 2 (whether a fraction or not) is 3
      • 3 times 3 is 9
    3. Nothing remains

  • Anything /0 is considered impossible as an agreement. There’s no actual math involved in that answer. In reality you can divide by 0, but the answer has no natural number.

    How many times can you add 0 before you get 1? The answer actually is the drunk(😅) 8 or ‘infinite’, but our minds can’t grasp the very existence of infinite, so we just went with ‘impossible’.

    There are ways to circumvent that added concept of some calculators when dividing by 0 anyway and it will show you “Infinite” if it is able to. I remember you could do this in C+ even, but not 100% sure anymore how. I think it was with dividing by an ever decreasing number-variable. When it reaches 0 just before the calculation, C+ didn’t default to an error, but just said ‘Infinite’. But like I said, not 100% sure anymore if that was the actual way.

    If your counter against that is that 0 will never become 1 no matter how many you add, then that just proves ‘infinite’ correct. If it ever could, it wouldn’t be infinite…

    Sooo, this guy is smart, but also wrong in his calculation here. 😅

    Edit: Anyway, voting me down doesn’t change the inconvenient truth above. 😅

  • Doctor xNo@r.nftoMemes@lemmy.mlalternative to trees
    7 months ago

    It’s been proven that humans didn’t actually get most of their fresh air from the rainforest, but actually from millions of these algea in the sea… Which is actually more logical, since trees do the opposite at night, kinda undoing any advantage they made during the day… Hence why it’s said you should never put a decorative small tree or even plants in the bedroom as they can take away oxygen levels in closed rooms at night. It’s even said not to sleep under trees outside at night cause it can cause respiratory problems.