At least not without getting away with it for x amount of years.
Maybe not, but it would be really cool and totally radical! Especially if they double-shaka’d 🤙
Yes. I was referring to Newsom.
I am very interested. I’ll look into that, thank you!
Edit from Fossil: We are no longer selling smartwatches.
Yeah that’s why I made sure to say “majority,” but even that could just be my confirmation bias since the loudest 2A supporters are right wingers; I’ve never looked into how many left leaning people are also gun-owners but yes, I know they exist (and I have been thinking about becoming one of them).
I’m so sick of Democrats ripping off a mask to reveal they’re Republican.
I’d like for once it to be the other way around, or for a Dem to rip it off and reveal they’re even further left.
I feel like Kent State is going to be a footnote by comparison.
Unfortunately the majority of its users appear to all be brownshirts in waiting.
“Man is the warmest place to hide.”
If I could get a classic dumb watch with just the ability to vibrate when my phone gets an alert, I’d be soooooo happy.
Show me a video and pump it directly into my veins.
I still kick myself for not getting one of the first Kindle models that had free 3(4?)G built in.
And he’s still a billionaire.
And people still struggle.
To hell with him.
It was either you or Tildes.
I went with Tildes originally, but their admirable effort to only encourage long-form discussion works against growing a user base to be anything more than a Petri dish; people need those fast dopamine hits!
…that and they’re invite only.
Speaking of which, did anyone sprout up after that?
I can only hope he’s part of a hydra in the event anything happens to him/more people are willing to sprout up when he’s gone.
It’s the free market, baby. 😎
“Why are you talking like that?”
I knew things were looking too optimistic.
At this point it feels like they were only ever there to give the illusion of choice.