DEAD ACCOUNT. does not have active administration and I need to move on. Catch me over at dbzer0:

Yet another Reddit refugee from the great 3rd party app purge of 2023. Obligatory fuck /u/Spez.

  • 24 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月6日


  • I also have a zen4 cpu.

    The 30 second boots are memory training. The motherboard is basically training itself on how the DDR5 memory modules respond on every signal wire and it can be inordinately slow depending in memory amount. For whatever reason, AMD DDR5 systems are slower at it than comparable Intel DDR5 systems.

    Update your BIOS to the latest version then enabled “Memory Context Restore”. The bios will then save the last training results and stop taking 30 seconds to start up.

  • Go to the “Modlog” page at the very bottom of the web interface for your instance. You can search moderation tasks by username, such as your own, and it should show removed content.

    I’ve found actual instance bans don’t federate reliably though, e.g i cant see any of my bans on so you’d have to check the target instances by opening their web page in an incognito or logged-out browser window, and view their modlog directly instead of your home instances’ modlog.

  • Jpg at 70% will lose a significant amount of detail. It is a “lossy” format, you cant judt compress data for nothing.

    AVIF is significantly more efficient than jpeg, so it loses less image data for higher compression (smaller file sizes).

    JXL supports both lossy and lossless compression, and is supposed to be more efficient yet over AVIF. However it’s got proprietary all over it because Google et al. For thst alone I would shy away from JXL and go AVIF.

  • Timd to update your criteria, friend. Seagate hasn’t been top of the failure stack for like 8 years now. The 3TB scandal era is long since passed. Now it’s WD who has been shitting on quality control, sending out faulty SSD’s that wipe user data, bait-and-switching HDD customers with a cheaper, much worse performing technology (SMR) WITHOUT TELLING THEM, them basically blowing corporate raspberries at everyone when people complain.

    While i agree they were the best, HGST also hasn’t even existed as a non-WD product for years…

  • My best friend has very severe ADHD, and his partner does not have it.

    How they do planning is his non-ADHD partner (who happens to have a very good planning brain) will basically defines a series of questions that only ever address a very small portion of the task at once. So instead of phrasing open ended questions like “What time do you want to go meet Ryan?”, they’ll ask things like “Do you want to meet Ryan at 1pm or 2pm?”. It a very small change but it helps him break down the decision paralysis that ADHD creates.
    It doesn’t necessarily address the feeling of letting the other person do all of the planning though- to some degree, that’s going to have to be something your partner is comfortable with, unless you yourself can find ways to break down your own decision making into those tiny bite-size chunks.

  • Also reminder that Minecraft’s (java) rendering engine is so poorly written that a mod team of 2-3 devs can speed up the entire fucking game by DOUBLE just by writing basic optimizations.

    It’s obvious they’ve gradually shifted to cash extraction than actual game building after the Microsft acquisition, coupled with forced data collection via Microsoft accounts, it’s turning into an ugly game tbh.