I have a simple and clear plan.
Vote blue no matter who.
Every single important policy I have an opinion on, Republicans oppose. Therefor, removing all Republicans will naturally make progress towards all of my beliefs, including taxing the rich.
I have a simple and clear plan.
Vote blue no matter who.
Every single important policy I have an opinion on, Republicans oppose. Therefor, removing all Republicans will naturally make progress towards all of my beliefs, including taxing the rich.
There are new democrats all the time. The old guard can’t live forever.
I think you maybe misunderstand. That user was asking what your plan was. Could you state very clearly that you have no plan at all and that you just wanted to talk about how you don’t believe in voting?
In 2020 Biden got 19 Million votes and Bernie got 9 Million
Are you saying it was all a big scheme and that it was all fake? You think tens of millions of voters choices don’t matter?
Honestly, the stickers are going to get removed by somebody eventually as long as the city has funding to clean up regularly. It might sound fun to put things over the stickers but it would probably be more soulcrushing to simply remove and ignore their work than engage with them.
If you can catch them in the act with some photos or videos then you can get their ass pinned for vandalism and possibly hate crime depending on the jurisdiction.
I think I lose most people around the graph.
Might be easier to just show the really slow ones a clip of the black and white footage of Germans setting wheelbarrows of their own worthless money on fire after the war.
Its probably debatable how accurate it is but as for Japan it makes sense as an Average if a lot of people work part time or very little while other people work a lot more.
I remember a demographic study a few years back about qol negative correlation with average workweek and one of the top hours worked was over 70 in singapore.
Oh, far less relatable then.
I guess its a machine that cuts shapes or something? idk have fun ig
I too make lots of typos when worked up.
I don’t think that’s uniquely american, though…?
In fact many countries including China and Mexico have more hours worked on average.
So here is how it works (in the USA):
Prices of goods on a market are set by Supply:Demand Equilibrium
If a business knows they can charge more for a good or service and still sell enough to get more profit than selling them all quickly and cheaply, then they have to calculate what to sell at to optimize profits.
You can chart out the supply and the demand as a function of price with inverse correlation at varying strengths, *implying that supply will change to meet market demand so long as enough capable workforce exists to accomplish it.
Now apply this concept to Money.
If Money is plentiful and people are more willing to spend money on goods and services, then the providers of those goods and services will raise the prices to maximize the gains. In this example the regulatory bodies might use Bonds to reclaim and retire money and/or use a variety of techniques targeting loan interest rates in various ways to limit the *creation of money.
If Money is Scarce, then the prices will lower until they reach a threshold at which A) it cannot be produced for cheaper or B) somebody somewhere needs it and therefor will pay the price no matter how comparatively steep. Since these two scenarios are generally quite bad in the context of unnecessary human suffering, unprofitable goods and service industries generally receive subsidies so that regulatory bodies can keep a steady calculated amount of necessary supplies available to citizens far into the future, examples give: food, medicine, hygiene, or housing.
This also has an effect on exchange rates for trade partners. You can set a price on money. If your money is more valuable than another country’s money as a result of their willingness to purchase that money as an investment, then it makes sense to trade and buy up their cheap goods. The USA’s financial system is built around this concept of lending to struggling economies and providing data-heavy telecommunications services, built on the back of their decades of leading the pack for telecommunications technology and their leadership roles in many trade organizations including World Bank headquartered in Washington DC. Basically, the value of USD is dependent on investors in the EU and China owning US Treasury Bonds.
So it becomes obvious to most of us that creation of money can oftentimes be beneficial, but it also devalues savings and bonds, so it’s often thought a delicate balance is needed to maintain value.
*implying - it’s not always true that supply reflects demand in the same way that demand relies on supply, many modern economic theories revolve around the idea that Supply has much more power and therefor regulatory actions which focus on supply are more effective fiscal policies.
*creation of money - Loans create money. If you lend 100 dollars at 5% interest then you get back 105 dollars. While the debt is yet to be repaid, that 5 dollars exists. Debts can be traded as well. At first it doesn’t seem like it would add up to much, but in fact Bonds act as Debts and also large Loans are very very very common for the USA, and this all sort of stacks year after year until it’s reached the current point where the majority of USD is non-M1 M2 which is to say money that doesn’t physically exist: digital money and promissory notes.
Theres a lot more but I can’t be asked to teach economics.
Hang on, Barb left you?
I like Kubuntu tbh
I didn’t like Mint all that much.
If you have an old laptop you can try a few out and see what works, they’ll run faster than windows. If you’re on windows you might have access to Hyper-V Virtual Machine and then you can just run some Linux Distros in a virtual machine to see if they’re nice. You can even try moving some files into the VM and see if you can still work with them after a migration from windows.
I don’t think it would stop functioning if everything was das and dein, though. Bonus points for making every verb end with e as if it followed ich.
Nancy Pelosi actually doesn’t do any trading, the man she married while still in college owns an investment firm and in the USA married couples have joint assets.
One of the biggest allegations of Insider Trading was when VISA credit company offered them stock options just before a big legislation regulating VISA went through, but Nancy actually voted against the company’s interests anyways.
In many years, Paul’s portfolio operates at a loss and the two of them don’t even make the list of top traders in congress.
Bernie Sanders WAS a presidential candidate in multiple primaries. He LOST those primaries by a HUGE MARGIN.
Well, they stopped sending money to Ukraine, so I guess thats part of their stance fulfilled.
Has anybody so far just considered not doing any of that anymore?
Well, actually, it was a year before Luigi, but given UHC is operating exactly the same as before he would have died even if it weren’t.