• 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It’s literally the people running his campaign…

    “I think he’s the only Democrat who can beat Donald Trump,” Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., a Biden campaign co-chair, said during an interview on ABC News’ “This Week.” “And let me tell you, we had the single best day of grassroots fundraising after the debate.”

    And that’s not even getting into how those are pro-Biden donations so much as “please for fucks sake someone stop trump” donations that literally any Dem candidate would be receiving.

    It’s what happens when you insist on running back to back campaigns on just not being the other guy…

    Like, cool bro, we know the other guy sucks, but why are you here?

    We could have someone we actually want instead, who is also not trump and have the same level of voter support.

    From a cold emtionaless perspective, there is just literally no advantage to Joe Biden being the nominee.

    And this election is more important than Joe Biden’s feelings. We shouldn’t just let him have this one, it’s not the last fucking cookie, it’s deciding who has the best shot of stopping a fascist takeover of the country.

  • Alright…

    We’re close…

    Here’s where it gets tricky, lots of people get lost.

    For the best path forward and to ensure this doesn’t happen again we should:

    1. Have a robust primary every election and replace incumbents that don’t agree with voters.

    2. Blindly support Dem incumbents until they eventually lose to a Republican

    Think about it, don’t just answer right away reflexively.

    Which path forward actually leads to progress? I don’t want to rush you, but it’s an election year. Decisions made today we’re gonna be stuck with for 4-6 years.

    So think fast, but think long term.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    toPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldLet's do an experiment
    2 hours ago

    but it’s far too late to a get a fresh face in front of people and expect them to vote for them


    The most common reason for voting Biden back to the last election was/is “he’s not trump”…

    Literally anyone that’s the Dem nominee will be a legit household name in 72 hours max. And they will get 100% of the votes Biden would get for not being trump.

    In addition to some people who couldn’t hold their nose past a genocide, but because it really is D or trump, would begrudgeingly vote for Boe Jiden knowing it’s gonna be functionally the same as voting Joe Biden.

    Like, that’s the hard part to swallow.

    People are just voting Biden to prevent trump.

    And Biden is bad enough on his own, that Dem voters will take practically anyone else and throw equal support behind them.

    There is zero benefit to Joe Biden himself being president, what is important is it’s not trump.

    So why not run the candidate with the best shot at beating trump?

    Like, it’s fucking 2024 man. And you’re honestly trying to say 4 months isn’t enough time for a presidential candidate to get their name out?

    It’s trump’s fucking 3rd election…

    We know what’s at stake. People are fucking paying attention.

    Which is why it doesn’t make sense to waste that energy.

    Not to mention, you think the red states wouldn’t do everything they can to stop having to change their ballots? I can see it now: “We’re 4 months from the election, can’t change it now ohhh welll!” ~Shithole Red states

    The convention is over a month away…

    Like, you’re ahead of schedule for what excuses you can pull out. But when the DNC hasn’t even named their candidate yet. It’s hard to argue it’s too late to change

    There’s just no logical way to defend your position.

    I’m sure it sucks bro

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    toPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldLet's do an experiment
    2 hours ago

    Uh, lots.

    Are they in the room with us now?

    and it’s way too late for someone else to start campaigning

    What’s weird, is the same people have been saying “it’s too late” have been saying that since 2021 now…

    Like, the DNC essentially cancelled our primary this election, and are now saying we have to go with Biden because it’s too late…

    When it’s still not too late, because the convention hasn’t happened…

    And the DNC has spent the last decade saying they can do what they want because it’s a private party.

    Like, it’s literally not too late…

    There’s only so many ways to say this mate, the DNC hasn’t named the nominee for the general election yet

    And even after they do, the DNC is a private party and they can just ignore primary results. They’ve literally paid lawyers to argue that to a judge very recently.

    It’s never to late to do all we can to stop trump.

  • I listed two options I think would work for me

    You also told me you’re a Republican and know nothing of the Democratic party or what its voters want…

    So let me give you some advice, for Republican candidates I want:

    1. Boots Riley

    2. Optimus Prime.

    For better or worse, you know you need me and my perspective on this matter. Lest you lose Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona and let Trump take the victory.

    No we don’t.

    Because Obama 08 didn’t need help from “moderate Dems” and he sure didn’t need help from Republicans.

    The entire problem with the modern DNC is they ignore their base and chase Republicans.

    Who will always say the DNC isn’t conservative enough.

    It creates these feedback loop where the party gets more and more conservative leaving behind more and more of its own voters.

    We can just leave you all behind, and give voters a candidate they like. A progressive candidate.