Haven’t you heard? web3 is going great so far!
Haven’t you heard? web3 is going great so far!
Doesn’t coffee itself come under the category of things? Like how weird is it to pick berries and first let them rot before burning what’s left and then grinding that up to pour water on and drink it? 😁
Try cold-brewing a bag or three. Easily bypasses any risk of overcooking and the attendant overextraction.
Shopped up the K6, got a discount coupon code thingy (, repeatedly fended off Amazon trying to trick me into starting a Prime trial…), placed my order, and… it’ll be here in a month. Guess the manufacturer have their hair on fire right now.
I expect it’s unfamiliarity with roasting and some “more must be better” reasoning that makes this marketing work.
I’ve now seen enough mentions of this model that I’m more or less decided to buy one. But, where can I get it? The KINGrinder site only points to Amazon where the K6 is currently unavailable
. Now what?
I have a UDP joke but I don’t know if you’ll get it.
Sad to hear the aliens won’t be joining us.
Looks like they reconsidered using the Spongebob typeface.