with compound interest that will be soon a googol of dollars :-)
with compound interest that will be soon a googol of dollars :-)
I remember when I saw this movie, I couldn’t stop thinking how an “advanced” civilization that cannot cope with water decides to land in a planet that is 71% water. What were they thinking? A simple rain will solve the problem. Biggest loophole ever :-)
Another thing I learned from Australia is to use www.airbnb.com.au to check prices. If I got it correct in Australia is forbidden to have hidden charges, so, what you see is what you pay.
I’m also a switcher from ovh to hetzner. Good service, good support, fast machines, the administration website is very good (ovh was slow and ugly), snapshots and backups are cheap and directly available (AFAIR ovh snapshots required a monthly fee). Hetzner is Germany based, good for GDPR, and now they have data centers in USA too.
The 7 habits of highly effective people. Stephen R. Covey
I like so much this book, it teaches so many things, one of those that I preach more is the 4 quadrant matrix for effective time management: An enlightening tool for people that live their lives solving crisis after crisis.
haha, I can relate to that :). formerly I had the compulsion to execute sync frequently. Now my compulsion is to push Ctrl-C like 4 times every time I need it. I read somewhere that’s common because of ^C has a lack of feedback to the user, so, a script showing an alert that the clipboard received some information helped with this compulsion.
I’m the type of person who gives money back to a cashier when they make a mistake by incorrectly giving me more money, that’s very rare in the country where I was born.
Spanish as native, English as second language, German as third
and no, German and Spanish translations of your question are wrong:
Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie?
¿Qué idiomas habla usted?
Tears in heaven from Eric Clapton. I always liked this song, and didn’t have a special connotation. But after learning its backstory, now I just feel sadness when I hear it. :-(