Fight quantity with quality.
Fight quantity with quality.
This seems like it was made specifically for me and my interests.
At least it’s not 50 cents per second of processing time.
I was NaN years old when I learned this.
Chubby rain!
“We need to talk about Kevin” - Sun Tzu (The Art of War).
Then they discover the beds in the jail cells have arm-rests installed right in the middle.
Your comment had 1 upvote then I upvoted it so the count went to 2. I just thought this should be added to the historical record.
My new phone wallpaper. :)
I’ve delved into writing assembly only on the level of a student project. I really enjoyed it though. Obviously implementing a python math library would be far more complex but wouldn’t it be worth it for the possible performance gains?
What is the reason to avoid assembly? Is it prohibitively difficult?
What about brain-training games?
I agree that there is a problem but if your only solution is to flood the platforms with counter messages, are you any better than those you are calling out? Wouldn’t you rather encourage a more authentic kind of posting? Not that I’m totally against bots but I think they should be allowed to form their own opinions. Ideally, when they are advanced enough, we should be able to convince bots of our point of view with a good argument. Otherwise it’s all just spam.