Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars!
Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars!
Man, I might buy some coyote piss and spray my trash cans to make the raccoons fuck off.
I don’t want to hurt them, but if that don’t work I’m going airsoft on those assholes. If that don’t work, paintballs.
I’ve tried everything. I left them some food about 200 yards from my home and they’d eat that and still come and tear my trash cans apart.
Even if I got the cans with locked lids, it’s an apartment so I’d walk out to find the neighbor’s trash everywhere and they just walk past it like they didn’t see it. I left it once to see how long they’d ignore it. For four days my yard looked like a landfill. No one bothered to touch it,
It’s easy to see it’s your trash too. I see my one neighbor carrying 12 packs of sprite in every day. Sprite cans litter the yard? Yep. She doesn’t even care.
Told me once that she would have cleaned it but she didn’t have gloves. I asked her if she had soap and she huffed at me and went inside.
I’d chop my nuts off to live in a house again.
Both of these make my stomach turn.
I really don’t know what you mean haha.
I’m a millennial. I remember a time without cameras everywhere. I also grew up in the poorest part of WV and I’ve seen my own childhood home in like 10 documentaries on poverty so…
If you have something to hide from The Glorious and Omnipotent Kim Jong Un, our beloved leader, you do not deserve to be a human. All hail our Dear Leader.
Appears to be JFK (1991).
That thing about asking my mom about her mom. She wouldn’t be able to tell me much. My aunts and uncle are boomers, my mom is gen x. She was born 10 years after her youngest sibling so obviously a total accident.
Her mom shot herself when my mom was only 4 years old. So, yeah. You got it right.
I’ve never heard of it. Will watch it today.
Depends on the instance., yeah ok. Some of the others? Ehhhhhh
I feel you there. It’s funny, you described me last night exactly and I played about 10 minutes of sonic 2 haha. Everything is plugged into an old Apple color monitor. I love that thing and I’ve had it all my life.
I’m gonna check that out. I had never heard of it.
I went nuts with retro restores and collecting in the 2010s. Now it’s just a bunch of shit in my bedroom that annoys my wife. It’s nice to have it all though. Here recently I’ve been using my Genesis 6 button arcade stick on the Steam deck and playing classic mortal kombat. I hardly ever have to buy hardware because I have everything that was made between 1980 and 2005.
It’s like the kid in me who only got two games per console and had to borrow the rest or rent them just exploded. I have a game shelf that my 12 year old self would sit before and cry. I don’t have time for any of it which would make him cry some more.
I can point to a billions examples(not really) of lead exposure in my childhood. I definitely ate lead paint, bit lead sinkers when fishing, was exposed to leaded gasoline.
On top of that my brother and I regularly played with mercury as kids.
It honestly might explain all of the violence in my home when I was growing up. Everyone in my house suffered from crippling anxiety.
Maybe it was something else, but damn I wouldn’t want to go back to the madness of my childhood. Wouldn’t it be crazy if lead was the culprit?
Double u vay-an if you squeeze him too hard he pop all over the play-suh
I’m a rap god!
Oh, and your rifle gets all slippery!
Heeeeey. There might be a role for me after all.
I want it in Source at 800x600 on my end. CRT please.
I’m sawwry, I don’t speak ‘at squeaky squacky, beep boop shit. Why don’t you try talking like an American?! You’re in American space space!
Man. I used to sing a song to any kid who got a pimple when I was a teenager. “Big pimplin from WV and if you squeeze him too hard he pop all over the place!” With a little spin on the V to make it rhyme with place.
Had every kid in the neighborhood singing it to each other when they’d get pimples.
I hope the pimples left you alone man. If not I hope you came to terms with it.
I was fortunately running top of the line hardware when Vista came out. I didn’t understand all the hate at all… until I sat down and did some work on my uncle’s computer with Vista Basic. Holy shit, even with all of the features that required better hardware removed from the OS, it was the slowest and most miserable experience I ever had on a computer. It was brand new and covered in stickers advertising Vista and it still wasn’t capable of running the damn OS.
That was true with nearly every computer I touched that had it on it.
Mine was awesome though. No complaints.
I haven’t used 11, but it sounds like they’ve done it again.
As a smoker, I have had so many amazing conversations with fellow smokers. Back when they used to have those outdoor boxes outside of hospitals, I’d always meet someone interesting in there when I had a reason to be at a hospital.
I met an old dude one time that was nearly blown in half in Vietnam. He was so cheerful and joked about it, which blew my mind. We talked for three days. I was there with my ex for her uncle and he was there for his wife. He said, “It hurts getting blowed up, but not as bad as someone randomly puttin’ uh fanger up ya butt when you’re froggin’.” Then he looked around and said, “Lord, I better watch my mouth. My wife’s sister would drop dead if she knew her sister put her fangers in my butt and made her food with those hands. She’s one uh them Bible thumpers that would sleep on a pew if she thought it would make her look pious. She’d never leave the church. She’s on her way to hell like the rest of us but, bless her heart, she don’t even know it.”
Crude, I know, but he had me dying laughing. Had this real thick accent that made everything sound funny. He was also very insightful and intelligent. When it was just me and him out there he was so crude. The second someone else would show up he’d drop it. It’s crazy how you can make a connection with someone in such a short time and get to know their “at home” self.
Nowadays the smokers are all hiding behind a bush somewhere far away from each other.
I’m standing outside freezing right now for a cigarette because I don’t smoke in my home. I did when I was younger and it just ruined everything. It’s nice to repair something and it isn’t sticky inside when I open it up these days.
I gotta quit this crap. I really do.