Hello, tone-policing genocide-defender and/or carnist 👋

Instead of being mad about words, maybe you should think about why the words bother you more than the injustice they describe.

Have a day!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I mean, if we’re digging out problematic things from peoples past, even ContraPoints used to semi-frequently make appearances in Nazi fetish gear in her videos, so I don’t think that’s a useful metric. I say that as a fan of ContraPoints, and creators of varying problematic pasts.

    Vaush has had land back advocates in his videos on stream to speak on the issue themselves, so i have a hard time believing that he has miscategorized land back. I think it’d be equally ridiculous to remove those videos that discuss progressive advocacy/radical movements, simply because someone that people consider to be contentious is involved.

    I’m entirely uninterested in debating the merits of internet content creators. Most of them, to some degree, have done highly problematic things, and still do. But digging up trash from their past is usually a useless, parasocial distraction. You can not like a content creator without letting your parasocial disdain distract from the good they are doing, like when they are bringing on people to speak about issues that affect marginalized people.

  • I haven’t seen either other those things from Vaush or his community (taking into account that every large following will have some people that are bad), and I think if the other progressive people that made it out there to canvass for a progressive candidate saw it fit to make an appearance with him, I would sooner trust their judgment than other people on the internet.

    But parasocial issues aside: it’s valuable to have trans voices out there. There aren’t enough as it is, and there are even fewer speaking about what NN is. Removing videos like this would feel like a big step backwards, in my opinion.

  • Thank you for being transparent.

    The context for this clip in particular is that many left-leaning creators are canvassing for the reelection of Jamal Bowman, a member of the squad, and this interview covers an interesting topic that is hardly ever given a spotlight, so I think it makes sense to keep it.

    I had only vaguely known of NominalNaomi and the reactionary backlash that she got for breastfeeding her child, and I think it’s nice that she’s talking about it. In my opinion, removing the video would only serve to keep the topic as a taboo.

  • war between Israel and Palestine

    Not a war. It’s a genocide, and it’s Israel that is perpetrating it.

    Surviving the AIDS crisis, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, “conduct unbecoming” in the military, strung up on fence posts in Wyoming, public arrests, family disenfranchisement, discrimination in housing, marriage, legal rights…just getting started

    Cool. And you’ll get absolutely nowhere with reactionary sentiment like “fuck you, I got mine” as a part of your movement. The same people that want to allow the genocide to continue are the same people actively working to take those rights away from LGBTQ+ people, and they’re not gonna let up just because reactionary twats like you think it’s okay. Not to mention the fact that the rest of the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t even have all of the rights you mentioned, but that’s none of your concern, I’m sure.

    The fact is that rights movements and struggles for social justice will continue to largely ignore backward sentiment like yours, as it is necessary for the progress of all of the groups that struggle for them and your attitude toward people other than yourself would only lead to an erosion of those rights.