No gods, no masters.
OK, finally got through it.
Sentientism and many like it are great, but those are more academic terms. It’s great if you read books, but look up the statistics on reading non-fiction non-self-help books.
Animalism does sound cool, but I can imagine 10 different ways it could wrong easily, including being subsumed into some weird primitivist human supremacism.
Risks and losses cannot be extinguished, they can only be transferred to others. This is the intrinsic limit of political fixes: we take the risks and losses and transfer them to others lacking the political power to contest the transfer.
It’s going to be the next big and serious political issue. Who gets bailed out?
I do wonder what the building cost differences are and if the costs are lowered by building denser urbanism instead of sprawl.
The esports athlete posture in a gaming chair, prolonged screen exposure, and hundreds of repetitive motions during gaming sessions are all contributing factors to development of … hazards [including] headache, dry eyes, visual strain, psychologic and behavior issues, cervical, thoracic and lumbar pain, overuse shoulder, elbow and wrist pathology, carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, excess weight gain, gluteal and ischial pain, hamstring tightness, a rare incidence of deep vein thrombosis, and infectious surface contamination.
How much of that is already covered by “office welfare” medicine?
Looks like an energy drink in a pill, part of the trend of “brain doping” with nootropics.
Is there a supplement for being sick and tired of all the “biohacking”?
Crowd-sourced debunking is no match for organized disinformation campaigns in the midst of information vacuums during a crisis. The conditions for the rapid and unchecked spread of misleading, and outright false, content could get worse with Meta’s content moderation policy and algorithmic changes.
Crowd-sourced isn’t going to work well. The crowd is too small; anyone who’s been dealing with the false skeptics of climate science for decades knows this, and it’s only escalating now with rising popular conspiracy theories bolstered by social media algorithms and engaging formats (like short videos).
The whole premise of this crowd-sourced debunking is based on the idea that there are a lot of smart people out there with a lot of free time. Of course, getting paid would add another layer of problems to it as it look like a conflict of interests.
We need to demand moderation and “clean information” like we demand clean water. If the providers are failing to deliver, they need to face serious legal threats for it. And if that means shutting down social media platforms, then that’s the rational thing to do.
edit: And if the problem is that the providers are providing “for free”, then we need to make sure that this business models faces the consequences. Get them to pay users for the information if the business is based on monetizing information. In that case, they won’t want “more engagement” and “more users” so much. If not, well, systems for more safe and secure subscriptions should help.
Make them smaller, lighter, fewer wheels, and add two pedals.
Why Norway is rethinking its reliance on electric cars | Vox
It would also be nice of Norway to stop exporting so much oil.
Demented bacon eaters does sound like an apt outcome.
Try walnut butter.
Where are biohackers being booed the most?
It’s amazing and terrible that so few people are getting how this works.
The climate going to shit should be the #1 news story on TV and the internet everywhere. Yes, it’s more important than money.
If everyone’s just OKAY with living for the short-term regardless of the risk of edging closer to extinction, then we need to all be upfront and make that a petition, a referendum, a signed suicide letter.
There is no floor except the for the artificial one built out of privilege.
Oh, and just for fun, breathing is still hard. And all medical testing shows my lungs are just fine and there should be problem.
autonomic issue?
The real solution is to reduce the real risk. Cooperative insurance goes on top of that and you have to argue within your cooperative to reduce the risks and not have some members be reckless or selfish bastards.
Yes, it’s a decent statement. I have a specific dislike of TMT main authors for their failure to make it critical.
If SD is the most important, than we have to recognize that the culture wars should be the main focus, the culture wars are the class wars. We need an anti-conservative dominant culture to survive extinction.
The site looks artificially sloppy and a clone of
The paper is over a decade old.
I can’t help you if you can’t comprehend nuance. Good luck in life!
dry land, dry vegetation, strong wind, ignition sources (which multiply as the fires grow and spread embers)
They form unions?