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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • wombatula@lemm.eetoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon misses the RTS genre
    10 months ago

    Exactly! Tower Defence, MOBA, and all the other games built out of the RTS engine in custom maps replaced it, and this all happened years before Zoomers were even walking much less playing advanced video games.

    Blaming the RTS genre dying on zoomers would be like blaming them for killing 90s rap, they had nothing to do with it and it’s downright ludicrous to suggest.

  • wombatula@lemm.eetoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldBssmmm
    11 months ago

    Actually it’s more of a George Lucas is terrible at dialogue situation, the operative word in the sentence is “deals”.

    He wasn’t saying “Only a Sith recognizes absolutes”, he was saying they only “deal” in them as in they refuse to compromise or recognize nuance. To a Sith anyone that isn’t currently aiding you is your enemy, if they aren’t your ally they are to be destroyed. It’s not that he was trying to say there are no absolutes, he’s saying that there are other options in this situation, and that by viewing Obi-Wan as an enemy because he opposes Palpatine he is “dealing in absolutes” as in he is making this a life-or-death situation when it doesn’t need to be.

    It was never meant to be a philosophical statement, it’s just a very awkward way of saying “Anakin we can work this out and compromise, you and Sidious are only acting like this because of the Dark Side”. Unfortunately this bit of dialogue was written by the same person that thought “I’m haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me. My heart is beating…hoping that kiss will not become a scar” was romantic and thoughtful, instead of the type of thing an emo teenager would write in their diary.

    If you want to see what George Lucas is capable of without someone there to fix his weird choices, go look up the “Adventures of Luke Starkiller, as taken from the Journal of the Whills, Saga I: The Star Wars” screenplay, the untouched version of Star Wars that he originally thought up, there are even comic book adaptations out there. If you are brave enough to read it, you will very quickly see that George needs someone else to proofread his work and ESPECIALLY his dialogue, because the entire thing is a mess and practically every other line out of someones mouth sounds like a grand philosophical statement because of the phrasing he uses to give it more gravitas.

    TL;DR - George Lucas uses weird phrasing and should never be allowed to write dialogue.

  • Most of them are only doing it to “trigger the libs” (totally different from the alt-right) and a lot of them are LARPers (totally different from the alt-right), so no they can’t stay on one instance, they need an audience to troll properly.

    If they actually just cared about socialism they’d be off circlejerking in their own instances about how capitalists are evil and Stalin was a saint, but again that’s not why the majority of them are doing it, so they will keep adding new instances and posting across to anywhere that hasn’t defederated them, because they want to piss as many people off as possible, and talking shit to “liberals” while being “socialists” is the best way to trigger both (American politics) sides.

  • “You know what else builds on the same premise? Racism, homophobia and all the other nice stuff. Before you go on and present your word vomit again, this is not a strawman, I’m not saying you’re racist, just that I would be 0% surprised if you were.”

    You have no business being a moderator of anything, you have done nothing but build strawmen and make personal attacks. Please, ban me, I love the show but I want nothing to do with any community run by such an egomaniac as you.

    Your entire engagement with my argument is “but there are open source projects”, which literally has nothing to do with the concerns I am voicing.

    You have accused me of being a racist and a homophobe, told me you hate me, and called me a “cancer of society” because I disagreed with you. Fuck you and fuck your shitty little hovel you call a community. You literally made all those bullshit statements and then said “and if you respond I’ll ban you”. You do not deserve any measure of power over anyone if this is how you conduct yourself, you have allowed this tiny bit of power to go to your head.

    Fuck your shitty AI art, instead of giving a starving artist a few dollars you spent it on a corporation, who used it to harm the environment. All so you could pretend you made something instead of supporting the arts. You should be ashamed at how you acted when called out for this, you should not be moderator of anything, and you are a hateful person who is completely detached from reality.

    Please, commence with the ban and prove me right, good riddance.

  • I don’t want to “halt all progress” you dimwit, I want these tools not to be in the control of massive corporations who WILL use them to fuck you, fuck me, and fuck everyone in the name of profit. This is a golden ticket for the corporations to replace all creative positions, and further reduce the job market for everyone.

    I am not “scared shitless” you strawman building ignoramus, I know what is gonna happen because I am not some moron so fascinated with his shiny AI toy that they can’t see the ramifications.

    Stop pretending I said things I didn’t, stop putting words in my mouth, and stop acting like some self satisfied smug asshole because you like playing with a plagiarism machine. Your willingness to chase tech for your own gratification is exactly what is making this become adopted too quickly. I bet you think the recent writers and actors strikes were unfounded, but these people are literally going to have their entire industry taken out from under them because some dickheads in suits can make an extra dollar off it.

    You refuse to engage with me in good faith, and just keep repeating the same tired “you’re scared and stupid” BULLSHIT over and over, I hope you lose your job and your passion to the AI because thats whats happening for millions of people, enjoy your AI toys you heartless corporate bootlicker.


    Also thanks for literally saying YOU HATE ME because I disagree with you. Get bent you brainless child, you literally don’t know what you are saying or what you are fighting for. You literally addressed none of my arguments, and just kept personally attacking me. I hope you are a bot, because a human as ignorant and hateful as you shouldn’t be wasting oxygen.

  • So people will pay for especially well done things…

    …so amateurs have to become masters to succeed?

    This is not “technological paranoia” this is actually admitting we live in a capitalist society where everything is monetized and controlled by corporations. You are living in a fantasy if you don’t understand that these technologies CAN and WILL be used to maximize profit, and society CAN and WILL become accustomed to this.

    “No you don’t understand, people will stay with horses and buggies, because they appreciate the craft of the carriage and the companionship of a horse!”

    “No you don’t understand, people will still read physical newspapers! Because they appreciate the physical paper in their hand and the professional journalism!”

    AI will replace anything that it saves or makes money to do so, to say otherwise is naive and/or willfully ignorant at best, you will gladly sell entire industries to the corporation to save a dollar and applaud them for doing it. Automation did the same thing, and you are a liar or a fool if you suggest otherwise, when was the last time you did laundry by hand?