It’s the new “just get to the gym”. For many it won’t do jackshit plus outside USA this isn’t even a thing in some places. Even worse if you’re an immigrant, hell, immigrants go sick to their jobs and do extra days just to not get fired, do you think any of them care about “MeNtAl HEalTh”?
Shit, you would probably get mocked for being “weak” NOBODY I know has taken therapy, and I know alcoholics, divorced, cheaters… That’s how my world is.
Sometimes alcohol and adult videos, that’s my therapy, and I don’t see that changing and can’t do anything about it.
I tried the whole exercise shebang. I’ve actually been more consistent about it than I’ve ever been in my life. I started running back in March and I had never done it before! I kept waiting and waiting to get the mental benefit people say you’re supposed to get out of it…but I never have. Honestly I was going through some huge shit and the supposed mental benefits are why I picked it up in the first place. The only thing it has really give me is something to do and occasionally a brief distraction (altho I have been able to be upset while running so it’s not even always distracting).
The other day, someone at work was telling me how wonderful they feel during/after a run and it was just wild to me…I’ve only felt that maybe a handful of times ever. Is that what people normally feel when they run?
I don’t get a “runner’s high” or other mental benefits from it. But I keep doing it because I feel like I’m supposed to now. Overall I find exercising rather unpleasant.
Do you think the mental benefits will ever happen for me or does my brain just not work the way that other people’s do? I’m getting close to the 1 year mark now since my running journey.
I do get the “high” from exercise, especially the intense exercise that leaves my muscles aching for a day or two after. I feel good, and problems seem smaller.
Diet can also have a huge impact on metal health, there is very interesting research ongoing, and suggestive findings now, on how a low carbohydrate diet has a huge impact on mental health. The biggest funder of this research is the Baszucki group (roblox fame), they had a child with bipolar who didn’t respond to any intervention until they tried low carb.
Here is my recommendation, in order of easy to hard:
There is lots of deep emotions in this space, find what works for you, a dietary trial for 3-6 weeks is something you can do without spending extra money, and then you will know if it works for you. Happy to discuss more here or on [email protected] ; or if you just want to look at research
Regardless of what anyone tells you (including me), the only thing that is important is your personal outcomes. If something isn’t working for you, change it, experiment until it does.