It’s a weird phenomenon, and while I’m willing to chalk it up to material causes (drug interactions or related blackouts, etc.), the few times I’ve experienced it have felt so drastically different than similar states I’ve experienced I still think about them once and a while. Have you had one, and while you may have chalked it up to a rational cause still aren’t 100% satisfied with that conclusion (or have chalked it up to something else entirely? Interested in those stories too, but while I won’t do it know others may dunk on you).

I have two stories:

-Many years ago, I invited a girl to my place to hang out. We smoked some weed, a normal amount for us, and ordered a pizza. We were chatting normally, then all of a sudden it was three hours later. The pizza guy came and went, and both of us couldn’t account for the lost time.

Rational conclusion: We smoked weed and fell asleep.

Things that make this uncomfortable: We were both pretty experienced pot smokers, and for my part while I had fallen asleep smoking pot before, it’s usually accompanied with a period of waking up. This was more a sudden “Hey, wait, something’s off” experience while still sitting up. And it happened to both of us.

-About a year ago, I visited a bar late and had (to my recollection) about 4 beers. Again, this is within normal thresholds, though I have drank to blackout before. I left the bar and caught a bus home.

As I was getting out of the uber in front of my house, I thought “Wait a second, didn’t I get on the bus?”. I had my map tracking on (I know, dumb, but in this case useful), and apparently I got off the bus, and about 15 minutes later grabbed an uber. I had no recollection of this.

Rational conclusion: Between the lateness of the hour, level of tiredness and alcohol, I hit a blackout threshold much lower than I’ve experienced before, got confused with late night bus routing and hopped off to grab an uber instead.

Things that make this uncomfortable: it was not an expected amount of beer that would lead to this, and based on how I felt the next morning (pretty normal but tired) I don’t think I drank more than I accounted for here. As an aside, where I got off was interesting - there’s an old motel that’s in a kind of weird spot in a very gentrified area of my town (motel was operating before this period). Always caught my attention, but I’ve never had any reason whatsoever to go there. According to the map, I was there for the 15 minutes. That said, looking at the map, my pickup location on the uber app, and noting exact positioning is often off by a bit on the map app, it was likely a coincidence and I was at a nearby intersection, with the map pinging this because it was a nearby landmark.

Again, ultimately I chalk these up to rational causes, but there’s something about them that give me pause anyway. Would love to hear stories from other folks who’ve had experiences like this and what explanations they’ve landed on.

  • Blastboom
    1 month ago

    I remember about half a month ago that I was working on a project and a little after I woke up I stared coding. I wrote a few stuff, might even stood up and walked a bit in the meantime. After some time, I looked up the time, about 2hours had passed and they felt like 15minutes…

    During stressful or happy situations (or maybe for each situation that is intense or focus is required) I think my perception of time changes a lot, I get distracted and time seems to fly without me noticing, but I recognise that my mood affects my perception so I can somewhat “correct” my estimations.

    Now I dont know if this fits, but I also notice that time seems to fly in general.😅 I can wake up and if I don’t follow a schedule, hours pass soo fast. Days pass fast as well.🤷 I kinda have accepted it and I just try to have a schedule to semi-follow so that I can at least do things before time flies away.

    • Cracks_InTheWalls@sh.itjust.worksOP
      1 month ago

      Doesn’t quite fit, just because in those cases you can typically account for the activity (more or less) during the period. But I always think your examples are important additions to discussions like this, simply to demonstrate that time perception is very subjective/malleable even under mundane circumstances. Lol, I still remember how my grade school teacher taught this when I was really young - 10 minutes of free play time (given as part of the demonstration) feels very different to 10 minutes in silence for a small child.

      Appreciate the comment! Time perception in general is friggen weird when you stop to think about it.