My mental health is getting progressively worse and worse, and my medication can only do so much. It doesn’t help that I only see other people in person every 4 or so days because I live out in the middle of nowhere USA and only go into town when I am driven to the store by my cousin to buy myself food. If I was able to drive this probably wouldn’t be so bad, but due to a few disabilities I have I likely will never be able to drive. What keeps me going is refusing to give up until I see the fall of the US empire.

    15 days ago

    Not everyone is cut out to be a hermit. You could get a budgie. They are really easy to care for and super cheap to buy and keep. You can bond with them as well as any other pet. They will come up with the funniest things to say. They’ll greet you with a happy “good morning” every day. They are like a little person. Just make sure to get a boy because the girls don’t really talk much and they are a bit more bitey.

    and now I’m gonna go cry a little for my lost little friend.

    15 days ago

    Sorry to hear that. I’m in a similar situation. But we are here for you and you can have us as your social outlet. Are you able to walk outside at all?

    14 days ago

    I’m sorry to hear about that. It seems like there might be options for you, but it can take time to work yourself up to it. Sometimes a solution has huge drawbacks but eventually with time they might not look so bad and the positive outweighs the negative. I’m more of a homebody and being on discords (communist discords) and talking to people there even if it’s just through text helps a lot. In time they become friends.