… from Hotmail … the known origin of all official government notifications …
With how Trusk’s lackeys are going about, this wouldn’t shock me anymore.
At one time I received an unexpected email from a shipping company that turned out to be legitimate, despite it having several red flags and being marked as spam by my email provider.
The point being, investigate and confirm before either condemning a message to the bitbucket or paying.
For example, if I received such a message, it would be ignored because I’ve not been near a toll road for well over a decade, but that might not be the case for every recipient, some of whom might not have paid their bill.
It’s that edge case that scammers are targeting.
100% agree. I got one last year from “Comcast” that looked totally legitimate. All the domains were correct. They managed to spoof everything, even the delivery header addresses. Everything but the sign in link, which went to a very obvious Russian redirect site.
Hey, it’s me, the IRS. Venmo me your overdue taxes or else I’ll put a lien on your house, you broke bitch.
Gotta pay the toll troll
🎶If you don’t want into the debt hole🎶
I’m glad the DMV has moved off their own domain and is now using Hotmail for email.
It sounds funny but it actually is more real than you might think
In Southern California there’s a bunch of toll roads for the rich people in Orange County they call The Toll Roads.
To be paid in Apple gift cards…
Reminds me of the “U.S. Post: you have a USPS parcel being cleared, due to the detection of an invalid zip code address, the parcel can not be cleared, the parcel is temporarily detained, please confirm the zip code address information in the link within 24 hours” message I got with the totally not suspicious domain “usps.com-service.webnw.top/us” and the unnecessarily confusing instructions “Please reply with a Y, then exit the text message and open it again to activate the link, or copy the link into your Safari browser and open it”
The complicated instructions are probably because certain SMS clients don’t allow clicking URLs from contacts you’ve never sent messages to.
Ok that makes sense
Nowhere does it say you have to pay the additional fee. If the punishment for not paying a late fee is another late fee, there is no late fee.
To avoid this, you need to succeed in the roll of evasion against the toll roads notification of toll evasion
And my grandma is already pulling out her checkbook…
Previous message: We are no longer the Knights Who Say Ni! We are The Knights of…
We all must have been carpooling
I got the same message
I got this today as well, but my email had zhao as part of the name so I sent them back the pro democracy text that brings up Tainan square and Whinnie the Poo aka Xi Jinping.