I am legit blown away that this greentext didn’t end with Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur. I was absolutely sure that would be how it ended after reading the penultimate paragraph
Jsyk, quitting alcohol cold turkey can kill you.
Fuck yeah it can.
You’ve poisoned yourself to the point where your body now has a dependence on the poison.
Withdrawal sucks ass. I should have checked into rehab last time, but didn’t. I had emergency numbers on standby and someone to check on me, but that was about it.
I was in bed for about a week, but pulled through. It took about 6 months for the cravings to slow down, and another 6 until my brain started to function properly. My weight shot up about 50 lbs, but I have finally lost all of that. Heart problems that me and my doc were trying to figure out disappeared as well.
Learning life again was weird and I am a much different person now. People have called me nice and fun to be around, which is super weird. Life does get better.
Fellas, is it gay to really really like a girl?
This was me with weed until I was 30. So glad I quit sooner than later.
almost 40
damage done
LOL, no.
This hits home. Wow
Stay strong.
Should have kept drinking. Nothing to look forward to in sobriety.
That’s a bullshit lie, as someone who battled alcoholism for over a dozen years and finally got my shit together.
Similar situation and I second this. Life is better in every way once you pry alcoholism away from it.
I third this, it was where all the waste lie in my life. Quitting drinking made quitting smoking easier, which made exercising easier, all of which gave me a more positive outlook, and before I knew it, I had myself the best girl I could have ever asked for (she asked ME out), my home was clean, I had the energy to clean and cook and type out run-on sentences for days!
Quit at 36, I’m 38, best two years of my adult life. Plenty more to go. Glad to be on the same journey as you fellas
I didn’t want to elaborate originally because this is a meme community after all, but one of the biggest things I will say is that being gripped with alcoholism truly felt like living life as a stunted person in arrested development. Between the constant drunk/hangover cycle, the depression and anxiety, and just the general shame it felt impossible to maintain the consistency necessary to truly grow as a person.
I was very aware of how problematic my behavior was from the beginning, but that didn’t make it any easier. My father died in a sudden accident a month or two after my 21st and alcohol was my coping mechanism. It sucks to feel like I now have to refigure out who I am in my 30’s and reconcile with all the lost time, but today is always better than never.
Glad to hear you successfully made it to this point as well ☺️
I haven’t touched the stuff except from communion and taste testing. I plan to keep it that way. At least never drink enough to get significantly drunk.
Congrats! Don’t let anyone take that away from you.
deleted by creator
i hope youre ok <3
Obvious troll…c’mon man