I’m heartbroken. We found out he was FIV positive shortly after we got him, but that doesn’t make the loss any easier. He was only 1.5 years old. Hold your cats close for me tonight.
Edit: I fell asleep, so I’m sorry that I didn’t respond to everyone. I’m very thankful to everyone for the kind words and support.
We lost our sphynx very dramatically two weeks ago, and he was only 10 years old with no prior health issues, so I know how it feels.
You’re not alone.
Me and my partner are still devastated and find ourselves sobbing uncontrollably every day.
It was like losing a child.
Life is on auto pilot these days.
I hope I’ll see a good day again.
I’m sorry you lost your boy.
I’m so sorry for your loss :'(
I’m sorry. He’s beautiful and looks so nice. It’s such a hard thing.
My girl is getting older, pushing 9, and I dread it everytime I think of her not being there.
He looked like a good boy. Sorry.
He is in a better place, hunting and cuddling in purrhalla
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I’m sorry my cat dying offends you. Kindly fuck all the way off my post.
So sorry ☹️ Adopted and cared for even after such a diagnosis. He was lucky to have had you.
Sorry to hear that:(
Very sorry to hear this. I’m sure you gave him a wonderful life for the time he had with you.
What a hamsum boy.
Oh man, big ol cat hug squeezy incoming for my lil guy
I hope you’re able to transition through the grieving process well, friend. It’s never a bad moment to stop and take a real deep breath and feel the pain, it’s going to come regardless and it’s always better to accept it in these situations.
I lost my 20-year-old best girl in October and still feel the hole in my heart so strongly, even though I adopted a sweet new kitty two months ago.
As someone else here on Lemmy said to me: may his sunspot never move and may he rest in play. <3
I’m happy for you two and the time you had.
Next year it will be 20 years since I lost my best boyo, but he is still in my daily thoughts, in the weight-memory on my lap & chest, and he visits me in my dreams from time to time.
His face is the only face I can actually ever recall at will.
The inevitably failing memory over time is … there, eventually it will win.
I lost my 19 yo 10 months ago. I think about him every day. I’m still heart broken.
I tell everyone that it’s both, “I had her for TWENTY years!” with excitement and joy for how long I had her in my life, and how lucky I was to have her such a long time. AND, “I had her for twenty years,” so I don’t even remember who I was before her; she was so much of my life and it is so much harder to live without her now.
I’m sorry you’re also dealing with this kind of pain. It sucks. <3
Ditto!! <3 He was my best friend. He was so special. He tried telling us of our miscarriage before we knew. He knew when his adopted brother was going to die. He got me through a lot of past trauma. He was invincible; it was his name (Muteki, invincible in Japanese). But he couldn’t beat his failing kidneys. We buried him in our back yard. I still bring him pistachios to play with; they were his absolute favorite “toy”.
Thank you for responding and may the memories of yours live forever.
I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Here’s our gray cat making our pup feel trapped.
Thank you. I see a lot of similarities between your cat and ours. I hope you have many* more years with yours.
I’m right there with you. Today I held my 16yo dog for the last time. 😭
Sorry to both you of you. 😢
I’m so sorry. I hope he went peacefully, knowing he was loved.
I’m so sorry to you both. Losing friends is incredibly hard!
Condolences on your pup 💔😞 hug your pillow extra tight tonight
That’s so sad but 16 years is a hell of a run! Lots of memories in there for sure.
And she wasn’t slowing down at all until this weekend. She just shut down.