Being too tall; I shouldn’t have to unhinge my jaw to eat a burger.
After a certain height you’re supposed to eat them with a knife and fork.
Sorry, new answer: “Eating it with a knife and fork.”
Absolutely not. They’re burgers, the whole point is to eat them with your hands.
Same with burritos. Those stupidly large ones they drench in a sauce are no longer a burrito.
adjusts monocle Ok, peasant.
Sorry, the Earl of Sandwich is with us on this one.
The wrong kind of bread.
Being $24.
That’s a normal price for a non-fastfood restaurant burger in Switzerland. I’ve seen up $36.
Switzerland doesn’t count, you also have 5x the salaries…
I guess that depends whether it is pro made in restaurant or in street fast food. In Croatia you can get them in center of Zagreb walking down the street for as little as 3e and decent ones. On the other side, even in smaller cities, they are around $20 if you order one in a restaurant and chef is making them.
Dang $36, sounds like I’m never visiting Switzerland. I recently had a monk friend living there who told me it was expensive. And Australia isn’t that cheap itself.
I stopped going to my local when the $6.50 burger with the lot went to $9aud. That was for a generic aussie fish n chip shop burger - tomatoe, lettuce, onion, beetroot, egg and meat patty. White bun and tomato sauce.
While not ideal, a $24 dollar burger can be justified. I would be willing to pay $50 for the best burger of my life.
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Mostly false.
I understand that the best things in life cost more than I can reasonably afford because I have experienced beyond my means, I understand that Manhattan is not the same price as a small town with McDonald’s serving the “best” burger, and I know my quality of life is better than most humans on Earth despite me making less than a poverty level in my home country.
You sound bitter because you lack perspective and gratitude in a position of privileged victimhood, unable to relate to having experienced what it is like to experience the pains of starvation with only water to abate, or barely avoid the elements killing you. If I had the $50 to spend on a burger that I knew would be a glorious, but brief, respite from my miserable existence, I wound spend it gladly because edging death really enhances value in ways you can’t fathom from atop a high horse.
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Being so large you can’t bite into it. Over cooked burger meat. Raw onions. Price.
Somewhat controversially, an egg.
Like, a good, over medium egg? Okay I can do that. I hate a super runny, the yolk blasts you in the face like an unapologetic lover and leaves you to clean yourself up, egg in my burger.
In fact, anything that’s made with your Instagram reel in mind. I don’t want greasy buns, dripping yolks, and sauces pouring out. If you made a good, juicy burger you wouldn’t need all that.
I have never had a burger with a fried egg that really added anything to the equation. Anything the egg can do, the meat does better. It’s just filler with very little flavor or texture.
And that one time the chef made an amazing egg, it overpowered the burger and the entire equation flipped. Now there was no reason to include the hamburger patty.
Oh man, do we have different tastes in burgers. Give me that dribbling barbecue, that A1 sauce, that honey mustard, that sunny side up egg, that rare and juicy burger, them pickles.
I want a messy burger, one I gotta wash my hands off after.
I love an egg on a burger, but I philosophically agree with your line of thinking.
McDonald’s is pretty good at that.
Basically when the patty has been reduced the the thickness of a legal pad, you’ve long since lost the plot.
A good smash patty is an exception.
Too many things in it.
Good burgers are simple. Bun, patty, maybe cheese, maybe onion, a little salad perhaps. And that’s it.
Simple burgers really let the quality of the meat, the cooking, and the seasoning shine through. When that’s good, you really don’t need anything else.
When a burger is piled to the moon with bacon and guac and relish and six other toppings, you might as well have used the cheapest patty available because you can hardly taste it under all that.
That’s the beauty that is the frozen burger patty. I can toss them on a pan and melt a slice of cheese or two and then have the perfect vehicle for emptying my vegetable drawer and condiment shelf of leftovers.
Or a fried egg, now that it is a delicacy.
That’s fair, I do that at home too - fried egg in a burger is great! At home I actually mostly use spicy veggie burgers rather than meat, done in the air fryer straight from the freezer.
There’s a time and a place for everything.
But when I go out to a burger joint for some actual meat, simple and high quality is absolutely what I want :)
Weird take. Sure, a quality burger’s nice, but it’s not pitching me over the moon. The beauty of the sandwich is the ability of adding toppings, and making a zesty burger that knocks your socks off with a cavalcade of flavors.
If you like that patty so much, ditch the bun and have it straight. Basically, just eat a steak like you actually want to.
Good point. Was gonna say just this but it wasn’t my top answer lol. Let the meat shine!
Shredded lettuce.
I’m fine with leaf lettuce, but that shit just makes an unholy fucking mess.
Overcooking. Most other things you can fix or cover but a charcoal lump burger is gon be one no matter how what you do.
I hate that I have to cook my wife’s burgers like this. I have to grossly overcook chicken for her too.
If you aren’t eating them, and it makes her happy, why the hell does it bother you?
That’s kinda of a red flag friend
No, I’m just a good cook and I don’t like making objectively bad food. It’s more of a germs thing than a taste preference thing.
“objectively bad”
This doesn’t mean what you think it means
Can I ask what it is about burgers and chicken that require them to be so well done?
It’s the germs. I mean, any meat needs to be well-done, but those are the two frequent examples.
Not being fully cooked.
Soggy bun.
When the bun disintegrates. Usually, it’s the too thin bottom half when way too much moisture is placed on it. You’re left holding a mess in your hands. This is a failed combination. Don’t use the cheapest buns and don’t add a ton of watery crap.
At sit-down, non-fast food joints, the trend for over four decades now has been to overdo it with combinations that are more upscale. The ingredients are mostly fine, except for they stack all that shit too high. It’s one more way the thing just immediately fails.
Lack of veggies, it needs lettuce and tomato at the very least
Very true, a burger without them just tastes plain
A man of culture!
Is cheese a vegetable?
No, but I can appreciate it on a burger