“Not Sure” is not the same as don’t care. A lot of users on YouGov don’t care about the quesioneer though, which is another thing. They would just answer “Not Sure” to all questions to quickly get their bonus points.
man it’s wild that dude might be the most hated man in politics right now on account of the right hating him for being part of the Zionist Occupied Government and the left hating him for giving the right reason to think there’s a Zionist Occupied Government
it’s not all a conspiracy against jews, chuck. some of us are jewish and hate you for sucking shit
That’s not the question asked and I really wish it had been. “Canada becoming americas 51st state” could easily be a peaceful, friendly transition (especially because a lot of people have been brainwashed into thinking the US is objectively the best country, so who wouldn’t want to join it?).
At least “annexing” implies force. I want to know how many Americans want to use force against our closest allies.
Bro that’s fucking insane 38% of republicans favour annexing Greenland I have zero fucking patience for this shit
51% of Americans are either for the annexation or don’t care.
“Not Sure” is not the same as don’t care. A lot of users on YouGov don’t care about the quesioneer though, which is another thing. They would just answer “Not Sure” to all questions to quickly get their bonus points.
They just go along with whatever Dear Leader tells them. If he said he doesn’t want it anymore they’d change their answer immediately.
This podcast goes into great detail what a shitty, shitty person Trump is, literally just by telling his story, not even on the attack.
The dollop did a good one on him too
Give it a few more months of Fox News and internet trollbot propaganda.
Elbows up.
I’m an American and I’m flabbergasted at seeing this. I wonder if those republicans can even find Greenland on a map. Or even Canada.
Do I live in some weird bubble (SF bay area) and everyone else outside of my county is batshit insane?
SF Bay area is about as bubble as you can get
The meme is the US state ;) We still love our neighbours in the USA who stand with us against fascism.
We got you hommie.
We Will Win! We Will Win!
man it’s wild that dude might be the most hated man in politics right now on account of the right hating him for being part of the Zionist Occupied Government and the left hating him for giving the right reason to think there’s a Zionist Occupied Government
it’s not all a conspiracy against jews, chuck. some of us are jewish and hate you for sucking shit
43% in favour or unsure of a hostile takeover of your long time ally and trading partner???
I dont’t think “few americans in favor” is the correct headline here.
“Nearly 1 in 5 americans support an unprovoked war against an ally” sounds more accurate
That’s not the question asked and I really wish it had been. “Canada becoming americas 51st state” could easily be a peaceful, friendly transition (especially because a lot of people have been brainwashed into thinking the US is objectively the best country, so who wouldn’t want to join it?).
At least “annexing” implies force. I want to know how many Americans want to use force against our closest allies.
shitty poll questions get shitty results. I almost want to go into polling just to try and influence it to have better questions.
Do it! Just go in there and fuck that shit up
Mainfesting our destiny is an american tradition.
lol … when has American government ever listened to majority concerns of the population they claim to represent?