What’s the ranking system you’re referencing? Curious how the US is even that high up. I feel like the existence of “medical bankruptcy” alone should put us below most nations. Except for all the ones we invade or fuck over with sanctions/embargos.
Yeah. There are so many awful ones. Like ones that favor “economic freedom” heavily. Which basically just boils down to the freedom of employers to exploit their employees.
What’s the ranking system you’re referencing? Curious how the US is even that high up. I feel like the existence of “medical bankruptcy” alone should put us below most nations. Except for all the ones we invade or fuck over with sanctions/embargos.
I just picked whatever article showed up in a quick web search. It seems to vary depending on what the criteria is.
Yeah. There are so many awful ones. Like ones that favor “economic freedom” heavily. Which basically just boils down to the freedom of employers to exploit their employees.