Hiya ladies,

With my hair growing, nails manicured, and eyebrows shaped, it’s going to become harder and harder to boymode inconspicuously around family or friends (only my partner knows). On the other side of that, I’m nowhere near passing or even presenting femme in public, which makes the idea of coming out quite scary as they’re seeing masculinity when I’m declaring femininity.

Part of me wants to wait like two years and then one day suddenly appear as my new completely feminine (hopefully beautiful!) self without any warning or advance notice! So people see the best version of myself, rather than seeing the mid-transition mess I am right now (or pre-transition mess I was!). But realistically I know that’s not gonna work!

So I’d love to hear some coming out stories and when in your transition you decided it was right for you! And how those you came out to responded, if you’re comfortable sharing that!

  • euphoric_cat@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    7 months ago

    My mum works taking care of kids before and after school, and since I’m out to a couple friends who are also trans or gender diverse, they had all told their family’s too and they referred to me as a girl. so then, the younger sibling of one of said friends accidently outed me by referring to me as ‘her’ when talking to my mum with her father I assume (I wasn’t there, a friend told me about it), though my mum thought nothing of it. I had told her a couple days later, like “what did you think of this that happened” and that got the ball rolling. that was probably a year, maybe more ago. it seemed to me like she understood and didn’t give off any reaction, but later told me she was shocked, but also didn’t understand what being trans meant

    coming out to my dad was “simple”, though I told my mum not to tell anyone, my dad immediately knew the next day and started sending me transphobic regret videos over telegram, but I guess he forgot about it now