Many other guides dive deep into 10 plus pages of how to set up such a service with Dovecot, Postfix and a web server all from the command line, but this one is a lot simpler because most of what you need is inside Citadel. Citadel also has calendar, Contacts, Notes, Tasks and chat rooms so can be a good alternative to Google or other providers. Your only cost really is the Raspberry Pi and a domain name if you don’t already have one.

You could tweak this a bit further by using your own DNS provider (or alternative to Cloudflare) and considering an external hard drive connected to the Pi for reliability.


#technology #email #privacy #raspberrypi #alternativeto #opensource

    4 years ago

    So i never heard about citadel project before… From their Code of Conduct (or lack thereof):

    Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) are prohibited from participating in the Citadel community.

    Not that i identify with this SJW label, but my interpretation is they’re pretty happy without most of us :)