• HobbitFoot @thelemmy.club
    1 year ago

    But in the end, there needs to be a specific authority to answer to disasters. Right now, and for a while, it is state governments as making the federal government responsible erodes state sovereignty.

    Outside of Trump, the federal government is there to help when asked, but it is still the responsibility of the states to manage response efforts.

    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Just FYI, I’m not American, and our state and federal governments have no problem co-operating when it comes to disaster relief, regardless of who is in charge. Our states will send firefighters around the country to where they’re needed, no questions asked, or hand-wringing about budgets or finger pointing at shitty politicians.

      This idea about “states rights” is monstrous. A state is an intangible, it is just lines drawn on a map. You know what’s more important than that? Saving people’s lives. You guys are so worried about imagined tyranny that you’ll literally subject yourselves to far worse fates just in the name of some abject “freedom.” What freedom does a dead person have?

      Just because something happens in America doesn’t mean it happens in the rest of the world. We look at your state of affairs with abject horror most of the time.

      • HobbitFoot @thelemmy.club
        1 year ago

        Our state and federal governments also don’t have issues working together outside of a Trump led administration, but the first emergency response is expected to be led by local and state governments that the disaster happens in.

        My state routinely lends state disaster response units around the country to make sure that they are up to speed on different methods of disaster response in disasters that my state expects to see. However, it isn’t all disasters as my state doesn’t get all disasters.

        And I’m explaining the American thinking as the disaster is occurring in the United States of America.

        • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          I know you Americans can’t remember anything outside of the last 4-8 years, but I assure you, bungling disaster relief has been a thing for much longer than Trump. He didn’t come out of nowhere and ruin everything cause he felt like it one day, he’s a symptom of the systematic issues your country faces. He’s a clown, there to distract people from the larger issues and general incompetence of your entire government. Don’t fall for the mindless sports team politics. These issues run far deeper than a single person.

          • HobbitFoot @thelemmy.club
            1 year ago

            If you want to bring up Katrina, W Bush wasn’t asked to bring in more resources by the state of Louisiana after landfall.

            Name a time outside of Trump where the federal government denied aid to a state requesting it.