Here I am, asking pretty much the same question again, only a year later. I ask again because conditions have changed a lot even in as little as a year. BRICS is becoming more powerful, state enterprises are becoming stronger in Russia, the USSR remains a positive memory to the majority of Russians and Belarusians. What are your thoughts and predictions?

I’ll try not to ask the same question again to prevent from annoying yall.

    11 months ago

    From the perspective of a USian, no one is implementing land reform until China does it. The new “going socialist” is aligning with BRICS and more specifically aligning with China and Iran. This is sort of a net new development in the last ?5? years where now instead of going socialist, it’s more important and more significant to be anti-imperialist. One of the big tipping points will be when Cuba gets healthier from BRICS. That’s my real bellwether for periphery socialism on the horizon. If Cuba gets what it needs from BRICS aligned countries, which honestly needs to happen now that Russia has demonstrated that sanctions can be ignored, then the major hurdle for “international rules-based” socialism is cleared. But the empire needs to fall before socialist revolutions are safe and that means every socialist revolution is now an anti-imperialist one first and an economic one second. That’s the times I think we’re living in.

      11 months ago

      from the perspective of someone in the periphery, anti-imperialism was always the most important bit. if the empire really falls, not much is stopping most of us from allende-style social democracy as a path to socialism. dealing only with our local burgeoise would be infinitely easier than the current state of affairs.