Before I get into it:

  1. I’m not mtf but I couldn’t think of another community that may have experience with what I’m going through, mods plz delete if it’s inappropriate.
  2. Sorry for the dramatic title, this is just confusing for me. And I feel a bit dumb even posting.
  3. I don’t consider myself trans or anything… just a gender fluid guy that likes to stick things in his butt sometimes. Maybe at one point an egg? Doesn’t much matter.

Alright that out of the way, here’s what’s going on. I’ve always been into ass play, I’ve had women peg me and experimented with men in my college years. Since then, I’ve sort of embraced straight life in a loving relationship with my wife. Well, as these things seem to go I haven’t been completely satisfied sexually.

Just before Christmas, I “treated myself” and bought my first dildo. Nothing crazy, just a fun normal one. Since then, I’ve used it regularly, it’s always been pleasureable and Ive found myself using it more and more often. Fast forward to last week, suddenly I’ve started having trouble getting erections??

Saturday I had an extended play session with my toy… nearly 35 minutes of porn, anal penetration and ecstacy but it ultimately occurred to me during the act I was soft as ever. I accepted it in the moment and ended up pounding myself so hard I leaked, which was new and exciting for me, but still. A couple days have gone by, I’ve tried watching porn since then, but nothing seems to really get my guy going…

Is this something that can happen from too much anal stimulation? Am I experiencing ED? Am I due to accept that I’m living a lie and refocus my life around pleasing dick? (lol…)

I’m just confused, somewhat concerned, why my body has changed like this and any resources or information from someone that’s experienced this to help me understand would be greatly appreciated. I can’t think of anything else I’ve been doing differently aside from the change in my masturbation behavior.

I hope everyone has a good day, thanks for reading.