If the board is infinite, it means that bishops, queens and rooks can move an infinite distance and then must move at an infinite speed, constantly breaking the laws of physics. While knights, pawns and kings, having finite moves, travel at regular speeds.
The potential high energy collision during a castling would flatten the galaxy.
Promotion from a low energy pawn to a high energy queen would require the consumption of a black hole (approx.)
What would the meta look like on an infinite board?
Not utterly broken, somehow, because the king can only move one space at a time. You’d need to defend his backside in a fucking hurry though.
Are the pieces placed like in the meme or are they spread out to fit the board?
I was thinking placed like in the meme, normal setup surrounded by infinite space. Back row same positions for purposes of pawn promotion.
If the board is infinite, it means that bishops, queens and rooks can move an infinite distance and then must move at an infinite speed, constantly breaking the laws of physics. While knights, pawns and kings, having finite moves, travel at regular speeds.
The potential high energy collision during a castling would flatten the galaxy.
Promotion from a low energy pawn to a high energy queen would require the consumption of a black hole (approx.)
And the promotion of a pawn on the last row would take infinite time so it’s ok since finite energy divided by infinite time is like no energy at all
Ah, glad you asked. Let’s talk about mate-in-omega.