Biden’s approval rating was now 37% in favor and 60% disapproved, Kornacki noted.

It’s “the lowest approval rating since former President George W. Bush’s second term,” said Welker.

On voters’ confidence in handling the U.S. economy, Kornecki pointed to Trump’s 55% rating and Biden’s 33%.

Edit: here’s the MSNBC clip with Kornacki

    8 months ago

    [an NBC person] “Over time, we have been testing for five years now, going back to 2019—a Biden-Trump match-up. Remember 2019, 2020 Joe Biden led. He led big in every single one of our polls. For the first time in November, Donald Trump pulled ahead in our poll. And now, at five points, this is the biggest lead NBC has ever had in 16 polls for Donald Trump over Joe Biden.”

    It’s not the clearest, but the information is there.