Someone un-virgined the olive oil
My first thought when I read the headline was “so that’s the opposite of ‘virgin.’”
“Well Fucked”?
An insane amount of olive oil.
Olive oil production
(Annual average 2016 to 2021)
3,104,000 tonnes
Specific gravity at 20 °C = 0.911
( meaning 0.911 tonnes / 1000 litres )
… = 3,407,244,786 litres5000 litres is 1/681,449 of annual prod.
(still a big amount for the average folks)Olive oil regulation and adulteration
While less than 10% of world olive oil production meets the criteria for labeling as extra-virgin, it has been estimated that up to 50% of retail oil is labeled “extra-virgin”. Some oil labeled “extra-virgin” is diluted with cheaper olive oils or other vegetable oils.
So, ~40% of
productionretail is adulterated
… = 1,362,897,914 litres (or ++)How many liters before we get to use a cool prefix? Gigaliters? Petaliters?