Google 1970s Iran vs now. It’s an interesting contrast of how quickly societies can change; and some would argue, not towards the future but backwards.

    2 months ago

    Korryn Gaines was killed in her home with her five-year-old son in her arms. They had arrived at her home with a failure-to-appear warrant from a traffic violation.

    Atatiana Jefferson was killed in her home while playing video games with her eight-year-old nephew. Police had entered her property concealed and unannounced on a wellness chec

    Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old emergency medical technician, was killed when police mistakenly entered her home in the middle of the night on a no-knock warrant while searching for a suspect who had already been detained.

    India Kager, a post office worker and Navy veteran, was killed by the police with her four-month-old child in the backseat.

    Tanisha Anderson was killed after her family called for assistance when she was in a mental health crisis. A policeman performed a “takedown” move on her, placing his knee on her back and handcuffing her as she lay face-down on the pavement.

    Michelle Cusseaux was shot in the heart when police arrived at her house for a mental wellness check and saw her holding a hammer. She had been changing her locks.

    Kayla Moore in her own bedroom, suffocating her to death and calling her transphobic slurs while refusing to perform CPR. Her last words were “I can’t breathe.”

    You are just blabbering at me nonsense, this is a fucking history community. I’m sorry I offended your American sensibilities. Thank you for repeating US propaganda at me. Maybe instead of focusing on Iran and their problems you should take a look at yourself and how many many people are gunned down every single day by government agents. Of course there are problems in Iran, that doesn’t remove the role of US imperialism in creating these problems.

    The material conditions of today would not be this way if your fucking shithole country didn’t steal all of our fucking oil for most of our history while funding Islamic fundamentalism around the world to fight the godless commies only to have it come back and bite you in your fucking ass. Now Iran and those women have to pay for it. You are picking up tragedies in the news and totally ignoring the history, in a history community, because you feel the need to defend US foreign policy on your free time. Leave me out of it. Both Iran and the US are evil countries filled with propagandized idiots like yourself.