Someone looted Lush.

“Don’t worry darling, I got something for you”

    7 months ago

    Being stuck in a traffic jam is very different to purposely causing one and purposely blocking an ambulance, with intent to kill. You are a psychopath if you think otherwise.

    You don’t think purposely blocking ambulances should be a crime? That’s fucked up.

    And spare me the “he’s a hypocrite 'cause he flew in a plane” pearl-clutching.

    No. Here he is being against people being in ambulances, while he feels it’s fine for him to fly around the world, while at the same time saying that poor people (and only poor people!) shouldn’t be allowed to fly.

    Just more class warfare from upper class toffs who hate the poor. It’s absolutely repulsive. Hope he has a good think about how much of a POS he is while he’s in prison.

    • Daniel
      7 months ago

      “Class warfare” from someone willing to literally go to prison to prevent millions of the poor dying in climate change. Right.

        7 months ago

        Yes. Class warfare. From someone who believes rich people should be able to fly around frivolously, but wants to stop poor people from being able to do it at all.

        If it wasn’t class warfare, it would be something like a yearly flight allowance for each individual. Not a “sorry poors, you can’t fly, but the rich can. Maybe pull yourself up by the bootstraps?”

        We aren’t talking “yOu’rE a hYpOcRiTe bEcAuSe yOu’Re aGAinSt cLiMatE ChAnGe bUt hAvE a GaS sToVe” — we’re talking someone who flies around frivolously (the most environmentally damaging thing you can do), including 6000km+ to attend a wedding, while at the same time saying it should be fine for him to do so, because he’s wealthy. It’s just the poor people that shouldn’t be allowed.

        I suppose the dirty working class scum just shouldn’t have a holiday abroad every 5 years, they need to make sacrifices so that the wealthy can fly around in private jets or take a 6000km flight to a wedding.

        It’s disgusting. And even more repulsive are people who say they’re left wing but celebrate open attacks like that on the working class.

        Do you still think purposely blocking an ambulance and saying you intend for any person inside to die is the same as being stuck in morning traffic in the car/bus on the way to work?