Khmer Rouge is basically the archetype of the maniacal genocidal despotic party of incompetents liberals try to portray every communist government as
Funnily enough they were also the only communist party I can think of to directly receive US support
The Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party after/ during the Ogaden War also was
I read that the early Communist Party of China received some CIA support (namely money and guns) to finish off Chiang-Kai Shek’s fascist/nationalist movement during the later periods of the armed struggle.
I’m still not quite sure what to think of the Khmer Rouge, but I read that they did collectivize agriculture.
Perfect time for BlowBack season 5
Khmer Rouge seems the obvious answer
the one playing Taylor Swift music
deleted by creator
Her endorsement of Kamala Harris shut down that community real quick. Hasn’t been a post in the 15 days since Taylor’s post lol
Shining Path
SP: “Wait, communism isn’t when you kill peasants, boil their babies and execute socdem community organizers? I distinctly remember reading Lenin say to do this!”
“We didn’t boil any babies! That’s slander! We just killed them and boiled villagers alive!”
This is factual, Gonzalo actually took ownership of the event. I don’t wanna say responsibility because he still defended it, but SP did claim the massacre.
I’m aware. And I like that phrase you used.
Is a party calling itself a communist party enough to qualify even if it’s clearly not communist?
Mine are these CPRF (Homophobic and Reactionary) KKE (KKE Model) CPGB-ML (TERF and somewhat MAGA) ACP (Patsoc) JCP (Reformist Succdem and hates China and DPRK) KPÖ (Similar to JCP) CPUSA and CPB (Reformist) Defunct examples CPK (Pol Pot) Shining Path (Ultra) PCI (Adopted Euro"Communism" and became social democratic later on)
I was in CPGB for about a year. Although I never saw any of that terf stuff and met lots of lovely people in my branch, it was bitterly disappointing to see parts of the party subscribe to that. I discovered all of this after I had left.
When did you join and leave anyways read this
Yeah, that’s the shit I read. I joined and left after this was published. Around 2021-2022
I wouldn’t even put Shining path and Khmer Rouge in the same league as the rest of these parties. Like sure, all the others listed are crappy and have bad positions. SP and Pol Pot were committing literal Genocides and pogroms, it’s disingenuous to lump them together like this.
Khmer Rouge
some communist party in Germany that probably supports Israel
wtf- Does a communist party like that exist in Germany?
Look up anti-deutsche