The great thing about random tech illiterate assholes posting “hot tips” like this on LinkedIn is that they very often don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.
That, and also to ensure they can open the document. I don’t use word processors in my daily job, yet I do interviews, so if someone gives me a Word Document or similar, I’m going to be put out to read it. PDFs, on the other hand, render just fine in my web browser.
What the hell? Every bit of resume advice I’ve ever gotten has said to use PDF to protect from potential formatting errors due to display differences.
The great thing about random tech illiterate assholes posting “hot tips” like this on LinkedIn is that they very often don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.
That, and also to ensure they can open the document. I don’t use word processors in my daily job, yet I do interviews, so if someone gives me a Word Document or similar, I’m going to be put out to read it. PDFs, on the other hand, render just fine in my web browser.