That’s cute and all, but it’s also pretty much what Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Spotify and all the other tech giants are doing when they’re joyfully tracking what people are doing without their knowledge or consent.
Are you saying they’re in love with me?
I’m sure they are. How could they not? They love you for who you are and what you do and what you think…
What’s not to love?
They are in love with the ability to make her happy, and bond emotionally.
Tech companies are in love with
the ability to analyze your emotional state so they can exploit it trough business offers giving themmore money.While still a tad creepy that she doesn’t officially know, They and them are not the same.
(Edit: They because OP is not the author)
Sure, still a bit weird tho. I mean what happens when OP is on a business trip and his gf seems to suddenly have a whole different taste in music in the morning? Could easily lead to misunderstandings…or not.
I’m sure they’d love to spend the rest of your life with you anyway
Your money at least.
That’s really sweet
And yet, it has downvotes.
The Lemmy experience
Derivative! Downvoted!
People downvote for a very wide variety of reasons, many of which don’t really have anything to do with the story. For for example, someone might downvote because they don’t like posts that are just screenshots from reddit. Or maybe they don’t like the brands mentioned in the story. Or maybe they’ve seen it before and don’t want to see it again. Or maybe they’re just in a bad mood and are voting harshly. Or maybe it is about the story, and they think its creepy. Or maybe it reminds them of a bad memory.
In any case, it should never be surprising when a post gets some downvotes. The more people who see it, the more likely it is that someone will have some issue with it.
(And of course, complaining about downvotes almost always results in downvotes.)
deleted by creator
Ah the duality of people.
8:45 am, starts playing sex music playlist…
Baow chicka wow wow
Brown chicken brown cow!
“Hey google. Play The Pink Room by Angelo Badalamente.”
This is because we have a Google home which is linked to my Spotify account.
Cute story… this is an advertisement, even if it was not the author’s intent. I enjoy human connection and mawwiage as much as the next guy, but we can have a better story with post-google open source alternatives.
“Will you be my Spotify Duo… til death do us part?” I texted her, over my Google Pixel 3 Watch
sniffle “Of course my love. Nike, Just Do It™” she said, between sips of her new Folger’s dark mountain blend with new hazelnut flavor.
“Based, fam” And then they Uber off into the sunset.
For me this is anything but advertising. The audacity of Spotify to throw you out of listening to music, because another device is now playing music.
Imagine your tape player stops playing music in the kitchen because you started your mp3 player on the toilet.
drinking her Folger’s dark mountain blend with new hazelnut flavor.
She’s your sister?
I could only recall the incest brand off the top of my head 😭
Folger’s: even better than fucking your sister.
I wouldn’t know about that, @[email protected]
I never had Folger’s coffee.
You got an open source alternative to Google home/Amazon Echo? I’d buy it.
Home Assistant has voice controls, but I have t had a chance to use them. I’ve heard really good things tho, just waiting on real hardware vs making my own.
Home assistant’s default, basic voice stuff is pretty bad. It works well if you either integrate proprietary models into it, or run your model own locally. The former is proprietary and the latter is rather expensive. Sure people will tell you you can run smaller models on basic hardware, but those are… not very capable or responsive. It takes some setting up either way.
An alternative for what? Never heard of it.
…and that Nuka-Cola Quantum colored sun…
…well it sets on the smooth and the unsmooth alike…
…so keep on the sunny side, friend, and choose Big Boss cigarettes for that smooth flavor…
[pop]My first thought as well
I don’t know, it feels creepy to me. I think she should know.
For me it’s my 4-year-old daughter. I know when mom is taking her to preschool because my spooky podcast suddenly changes to something like “SUPER KITTIES” and my audio goes silent.
“Hey Google, call my other boyfriend.”
Plot twist: it’s consensual polyamory and they’re all very happy together.
Plot twist twist: it’s the other other boyfriend
Plot twist twist twist: It’s the first boyfriend in a wig.
Plot twist twist twist twist: the girlfriend is actually the second boyfriend in a wig.
Could the killjoys and permanently miserable go comment on a different sub? This is a supposed to be a wholesome place. I know Lemmy is filled with perpetually angry people but do you guys have to come here and complain about every detail?
I thought this was adorable and cute. Thanks for sharing OP!
Do people always listen to music? I only do it occasionally to enjoy and stimulate me. I think i saw a study years ago, that always noise stresses your brain out long term, be it street noise or music.
I have a tracking setup for spotify. I listen to music during work most of the day, typically between 11-17 with peaks at 1pm. Average at 40-60k minutes a year. Longest session being around 11 hours.
It helps me focus. But I’d be interested in seeing that study.
A quick google hints that people who always have music on and “fear” silence, do so to avoid negative thoughts or emotions. And the usual studies about constant background noise making you sick. But there’s too much noise (lol) about “The perfect music to calm you down” and similiar crap, nothing specific yet. And i have work to do.
Edit: and (a highly technical) one, that reading comphension goes down with background music.
Editedit: sounds somehow agressive. No bad intent. Though i personally like silence.
It’s true, I’m conscious of avoiding silence.
Music works when I’m working on a task that requires focus, but I need something more engaging when cooking, for example, like spoken word - podcasts, audiobooks, movies, YouTube.Thanks for the links, will have a look
people who always have music on and “fear” silence, do so to avoid negative thoughts or emotions
Nah. Just ADHD and deep emotional connection with music here.
I’ll give you my dilemma: would you rather have constant noise that is not in your control? or would you rather have constant noise in the form of music that you enjoy? thats my case in school and the case of many others in cities, where its a choice between the sound of crowds (with occasional shocking loud noises) or music you can control. one is far less stressful at the end of the day
Two months ago I would have a hard time imagining what’s so wholesome about this. Nice to understand this now.
I guess the self hosting equivalent would be logging in to the Jellyfin admin panel and looking at what is being streamed
I don’t know, man… I think it’s kind of creepy. I would not want my wife doing this to me. Even though it’s innocent, it’s still spying.
And what if I decided to sleep in? Would she start getting more and more worried the longer the music wasn’t interrupted and then she would call me and wake me up? Then I would both not have been able to sleep in and found out about the spying.
I don’t understand what’s wholesome about a single household needing to pay for multiple accounts to simultaneously stream, but all the more power to you.
Its a cute story, the tech is only a small part of it. But its actually a good thing for the guy in the story that they can’t stream at the same time since it let’s them connect in that small way every day
Maybe, but how is that different from needing to pay for two separate copies of anything else if two people are using them at the same time in different places?
I’m not a fan of how little the major streaming services (except Tidal) pay artists, but they do all offer bundle packages. Spotify’s pricing is $12 for an individual, $17 for two people, and $20 for a family of up to 6. So it’s only $5 more than the base cost if two people stream simultaneously.
MP3s don’t have any of those problems. You just copy it to whatever device you want to “stream” it from and listen to it with no account or subscription.
…sure. Yes. If you own a song, you can listen however many times you want, simultaneously or not.
But streaming services are simply a different value proposition. Listening to an mp3 means either buying all the music you listen to or pirating; it also means having the music stored on your listening device in advance, or streaming from a personal media server. I listen to a lot of music that I haven’t heard before and don’t know if I’ll actually like; I also listen on my phone a fair amount and have a limited amount of storage space for music. For that use-case, streaming is preferable (to me).
Yep I know about all of that, and I have zero streaming service accounts because they all suck in comparison to actually owning the music I like. I’ve tried them out, and it’s just too lame for me to put up with their bullshit hassles. The companies selling those subscriptions love that you will keep paying them perpetually to gatekeep your access to music.
I mean…okay? My whole point is that “purchase a bunch of music to own forever” and “pay a streaming service to hear a bunch of music once” are totally different use-cases. It’s great that you own music. Good for you. I own some too! But streaming fits my needs better overall.
And all of this is completely beside the point that it’s really not that weird that the cost for two people to stream is higher than the cost for one person to stream.
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What a wonderful story. No idea if it’s actually true or someone’s wish fulfilment fantasy but wonderful nonetheless