Texas is the land where regulation is always second, or so they say. However, it’s also a state where politicians have chosen to regulate oddly specific...
“Our family-oriented retailers should reflect the values of the communities they serve," Hickland said in a statement, according to Chron. “Parents do not consent to their children being exposed to obscene devices while shopping for toothpaste.”
As a parent, I consent, so fuck you. Also, there’s nothing obscene about them. They’re in tasteful boxes, not flopping around on open display.
If you’re so concerned about reflecting community values, leave it up to the communities to decide. You won’t, though, because you don’t actually care. You just want to ensure people only have orgasms on your terms.
Why are Republicans so obsessed with sex? It’s weird and gross.
As a parent, I consent, so fuck you. Also, there’s nothing obscene about them. They’re in tasteful boxes, not flopping around on open display.
If you’re so concerned about reflecting community values, leave it up to the communities to decide. You won’t, though, because you don’t actually care. You just want to ensure people only have orgasms on your terms.
Why are Republicans so obsessed with sex? It’s weird and gross.
I’m beginning to wonder how society would change if we were to just do away with the concept of something being “obscene”
“ThAtS tHe JoB oF tHe PaReNtS, nOt ThE gOvErNmEnT”
If they are finding dildos next to the toothpaste, that’s a dumb walmart employee. Toothpaste is horrible lube. No more minty holes!
I bet a fair amount would chill the fuck out if they had a vibrator.
Or 6.
Or, heavens forbid, 7