This town, in fact, has more than enough room for the two of us

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023


  • There’s nuance. Obviously, vote for the liberal over the fascist, it’s not even close. However, the fascists are absolutely represented in government, while there’s no leftist candidates to speak of. Leftists have to plug their nose and vote liberal, while fascists gleefully vote republican.

    Voting is entirely for loss prevention, because ultimately it absolutely impacts minority groups and people who stand to lose a great deal by a republican victory. However, leftists will not be able to move America to the left by voting.

    That’s why grassroots movements and building up of parallel structures are so important for leftism, it cannot work within the confines of a 2 party Capitalist state, and must be built from the bottom up.

  • You’re literally on one of the alternatives. FOSS is a rejection of the profit motive, and individual ownership of Capital. It is, quite literally, an anticapitalist statement. Are you under the impression you’re on Reddit?

    Money doesn’t need to come from Capitalists, and again, Capitalists aren’t doing the innovating. That’s like saying the bread baker that fed the Engineer is doing the innovating, because without the bread baker, the Engineer couldn’t innovate. Of course humanity is interlinked, no one man is an island, but that doesn’t mean labor performed by one person is actually labor performed by another.

    I’ll make it simple for you, and give you 2 choices.

    Factory 1: Capitalist owner, non-owner workers. The only voice workers have is to either get a new job, or unionize.

    Factory 2: Workers are the owners, and thus production is democratized. One of the workers is elected as a manager, and may be stripped of power by the rest of the workers at any time.

    Which one is better?

    To circle back: what you listed is a very, very narrow vision of what Socialism can mean. Socialism is Worker Ownership of the Means of Production, and can be just as varied as Capitalist organization. Are you going to say that Sweden is the same as Pinochet’s Chile, just because both were/are Capitalist? Absurd.