• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • So, for anyone that’s curious, testicles are weird pain wise. They have a lot of pressure sensitive nerves on the surface of the testicles themselves. But if you, for example, were to hypothetically push a needle like object into the center of a testicle. You would feel the pressure of the needle pushing on the testicle, but once it pops through there is very little sensation at all.

    Edit: Even though this is true this is NOT medical advice. Do not do this as it could have potentially serious consequences. I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this, but here we are.

  • Honestly, I felt like an asshole not helping, and she didn’t offer them anything for their help. Looking back maybe that was a sign. But yeah I thought that these 2 guys that got her car running deserved at least a 12 pack of beer each (remember we are talking mid 90s prices). So, I gave them a 20. Plus if I’m being 100% honest. I was probably trying to look cool. It did not impress. Heh

  • Well, when she and I talked, she said that she had an arrangement with several bars around the city. Where she would buy those test tube shots and walk around and sell them. Then give the bar a cut of the profits. She went to gay bars and country bars, and dance clubs.

    I think the seedy gay bar part says more about me than her if I’m being honest. Heh.

  • So, one day I’m riding down the road. I’m like 17 or so. I see this super hot red head chick broke down on the side of the road. At the time (in the mid 90s) I was driving a 73 Volkswagen super beetle. Because of my shit car I knew what it was like to be stranded. So, I decided to pull over and see if she needed help.

    I get out of my car and immediately realized that these 2 greasy looking middle aged guys were working on her car. I told her I just wanted to make sure she was ok. But it looks like she already has help so I’ll leave.

    That’s when she says “Wait, your MJGS right?” I’m like,”Why yes I am”. She says “I’m Stephanie smith we went to school together.” She then says “Please stay, I don’t know these guys and I don’t trust them.”

    I agreed and we talked for close to two hours. We laughed and talked about what happened to people we went to school with. Everything was perfect.

    The two guys got her car running and left. I gave the guys like $20 or something for their help. It was all I had.

    So she and I go to leave, and I stop and ask her if I can have her number. I figured we could go out sometime. After all we had just had a great time chatting it up.

    All of a sudden like someone poured cold water over her head. The smile was gone and she looked me in the windows of my soul and said “You used to make fun of me in school.” I said “I swear I don’t remember that, but if I did I’m sorry.” She said “Yeah, you were a real ass hole to me fuck you. The answer is no.” That was one of the only times in my life I was left speechless with my mouth open. I just bowed my head, got in my car, and drove off.

    I guess the moral of the story is. Sometimes making a joke at someone else’s expense may not be a huge deal to the person making fun. But it’s a big fucking deal to the person on the receiving end. To this day I don’t remember ever saying anything bad about her. I’m not calling her a liar. I probably did. I just don’t remember it.

    I didn’t escape school unscathed. I had people that were super shitty to me too. But that’s a different story. For a different time.

    I ran into that chick again about 6 years ago. In our mid 30s. She was a “shot girl” in a seedy gay bar. We talked about the good ole days for a long time. I did not ask for her number again.

  • I have always liked sturdy women. You know a good hearty woman. I’m not a small person. I like a thicc woman.

    With that being said. I was friends with benefits with a chick in high school. One night we were riding around and she offhandedly says that she needs to lose weight. I, jokingly said “Well, you could always smoke crack”. The laugh and then silence that followed would be very telling.

    That night was the last I heard from her for about a year. I would call her occasionally and her mom would say she’s not here, or she’s gone with her cousin. Finally I give up and before I know it a year has gone by.

    One day my phone rings and I answer it. It’s homegirl! I ask how she’s been and where she’s been. She says she’s been ok, and in rehab. Apparently her and her cousin had been smoking crack. She asked if I knew where to get her some crack. I never liked uppers. So, naturally I had no clue where to get her some crack.

    She never said it was my joke suggestion that inspired her. But it’s too much of a coincidence. I’ve always carried a little guilt for that.

  • I put air tags on all my shit. I have an air tag on my wallet. I have an air tag on my keys. I even hid an air tag in my pc so that if it’s ever stolen I can hopefully track it down. I have an air tag on my tv remote.

    They have literally changed my life. Living with 3 other people. One of which is severely autistic and will pick up things and set them down under the sofa or some such nonsense. I spend a lot less time being angry. Air tags are the best thing that Apple ever invented.

    iPhone is ok, but I miss my HTC touch pro 2. Apple Watch is superfluous junk. Air pods pro? Pshhhhhh whatever! Air tags, they will change your fucking life man.

  • Mine goes as follows.

    Them: Hello I’m looking for…

    Me: Mmmmmmmmm fuck yeah god damn your dick smells so fucking hot.

    Them: Excuse me sir???

    Me: I said your dick smells fucking hot. You wanna meet up later and get tongue deep in each others ass holes.

    Them: :click:

    I don’t get many scam calls or bill collectors anymore. The trick is that you ONLY do it when they call you. In other words don’t call them and harass them. If it’s a legit company it might even be illegal for that company to make their employees call someone that sexually harasses their employees. Also if it’s a woman i usually describe the smell of the genitalia. Otherwise it’s the same.

    A lot of Indian dudes are homophobic as hell. To add to the awkwardness of the conversation I lower my voice to make it real deep. Then I say each word slowly and breathy. That way I know they hear me and each word kind of hangs there for a second.

  • I live in the south and it’s fairly warm year round. We get like 3 months of kinda cold weather and that’s it. Summers are BRUTAL though.

    Anyway, I got off methadone treatment almost 2 years ago, and have been in a depression funk ever since. But, I found something to keep me going. I go “fishing”.

    I get my tackle, my rods, and my bait, and pack it all in my backpack. I grab a machete, and my Kelly kettle (if it’s cold) along with food and water. I then hike through the woods to a fishing spot and sit there. I catch some fish and spend some time alone with my thoughts. My situation allows me to do this 2 to 3 times a week.

    Honestly, I don’t even care if I catch anything. I just really like being alone. It’s been so nice now that it’s kind of cold. I boil some water in my Kelly kettle and make herbal tea while I’m fishing. It’s the best.

  • It helps to paint a more complete picture of the situation. The color of the man’s skin says nothing more than the color of his skin. However, now I know that the man that came to him is black. Since people generally don’t mention the color of someone’s skin if they are the same color. I also can assume that OP is not black.

    I was a very successful manager for a retail company at one point. I was so successful that I was flown to the company headquarters with a few other managers from all over the US for 2 weeks. I got a free hotel room, and per diem money. All I had to do was go to a couple of classes everyday.

    The one class that has always stuck in my mind was a race relations class. The teacher was a very tall thin black man, and he started by calling on students and asking “what is one way that you and I are different?”.

    This line of questioning went on for 7 or 8 students. He got answers like “You’re bald, and I have hair”, and “you wear glasses, and I don’t”. Finally someone said “you’re black and I’m white”. The teacher goes “AHHH HAAA! Finally! Now, why is that so hard to say? It shouldn’t be. After all I am black and you are white. We are different in this way, and as long as that difference isn’t being said as a negative then there isn’t a problem with it”.

    Also, as someone who grew up in a city where the population majority is black, and currently lives in a city that is majority black. People have to make that distinction all the time, and it goes both ways.

    TLDR it’s ok to describe someone using their skin color as long as it’s not being used to disparage someone. While I understand the context of where we are. I don’t find anything about OP’s post racist.

  • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.worldtointernet funeral@lemmy.worlddefamity
    10 months ago

    This reminds me of that old story. One, I have tried to live by.

    There was an old man with a huge watermelon patch. Every day a group of kids would come over and steal a single watermelon. The old man was furious about the kids stealing his watermelons and devised a plan. He went out and posted a sign in his patch that said “One of these watermelons is poison. KEEP OUT!”

    So, a day goes by, and no stolen watermelon. A week goes by no missing watermelons. The old man is just so pleased with himself and his success. But, then he wakes up after about a week and a half and goes to pick some watermelons, and notices that someone has put a smaller sign next to his. He walks over and the smaller sign simply says “Now there’s two”.

  • Here’s a better one for ya. If the worst thing you unknowingly put in your mouth, chew, and swallow is a little cat butt. Then, you should consider yourself lucky.

    I did pest control for several years. We always said that cats are the worst pest in the house. They stomp around in a box of their own feces and urine. Then they track that all over your counter tops and furniture. They sit on you counters and furniture with a bare butthole.

    I mean let’s face it. If you have a cat you’ve more than like put something in your mouth that touched their b-hole even if indirectly.