This account is being kept for the posterity, but it won’t see further activity past February.

If you want to contact me, I’m at /u/[email protected]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2021


  • That’s surprisingly accurate, as people here are highlighting (it makes geometrical sense when dealing with complex numbers).

    My nephew once asked me this question. The way that I explained it was like this:

    • the friend of my friend is my friend; (+1)*(+1) = (+1)
    • the enemy of my friend is my enemy; (+1)*(-1) = (-1)
    • the friend of my enemy is my enemy; (-1)*(+1) = (-1)
    • the enemy of my enemy is my friend; (-1)*(-1) = (+1)

    It’s a different analogy but it makes intuitive sense, even for kids. And it works nice as mnemonic too.

  • At the very least, I’d recommend you:

    • gloves - because you’ll get really close to that gross shit. You don’t want to touch it.
    • a sponge - it doesn’t need to be new; your old kitchen sponge is enough, just don’t use it again in the kitchen. Use the yellow side to spread the cleaning agent, and the green side to remove obnoxious grime stuck to something. (Do it gently, and only with a really old sponge, to avoid scratching the surface.)
    • a bucket - mostly to mix some soap and water.
    • a dry rag - mostly for finishing/drying. A cringey old shirt that you won’t be using again is usually enough.
    • toilet brush - don’t use the sponge to clean inside the toilet bowl; you’ll be spreading the bacteria from your shit and piss to the rest of the restroom.

    Everyone has the cleaning agents that they swear upon, so look for something that works for you. For me it’s

    • alcohol vinegar - to get rid of that brown crust in the sink (water in my city is hard as a brick) and around the shower drain. I usually apply it, wait a few minutes, then use the sponge to scrub it a bit. Then I remove the vinegar with the rag.
    • bleach - exclusively used inside the toilet bowl. I squish some bleach there, then scrub it with the toilet brush, then flush it off, making sure that there’s no bleach behind.
    • disinfecting agent - I squish a bit of that inside the toilet bowl and just leave it there. It smells good, and it gets rid of the bacteria.
    • an ammonium-based cleaning agent - I squish it on obvious grime on the walls (except the above), then scrub it with the sponge.
    • soap and water - to “wash” the walls with the sponge.
    • plain water with some disinfecting agent - to rinse it. Then I just remove the excess water with the rag and let the restroom to dry naturally (with closed doors otherwise my cats will step on the bathroom, step outside, and now I got to clean the bathroom again plus the corridor and furniture).

    Important detail: do not mix any two of the cleaning agents that I’ve mentioned. Specially not ammonium and bleach.

    For reference, the disinfecting agent that I use is called “pinho sol”, but I have no idea if it’s sold outside Brazil. You probably have some similar product wherever you live.

  • Who said that the word doesn’t haue “u”?

    Was that my Father that went hence so fast?
    Ben. It was: what sadnes lengthens Romeo's houres?
    Ro. Not hauing that, which hauing, makes them short
    Ben. In loue.
    Romeo. Out.
    Ben. Of loue.
    Rom. Out of her fauour where I am in loue.
    Ben. Alas that loue so gentle in his view,

    Romeo and Juliet, foglio I, around verse 170

    …good enough for Shakespeare, good enough for me. No need for a fifth letter!

    I’m half-joking with the above, but the word did use to be spelled with “U” instead of “V”. Past then both were taken as the same letter. [/trivia]

  • For further info, so other posters know what’s going on:

    Currently the Brazilian civil code has a gap that allows you to promote Nazism as long as you don’t use the swastika, nor “practice, induce or incite discrimination or prejudice based on race, [skin] colour, ethnicity, religion or national [SIC] origin”; refer to law 7716/1989 of the Civil Code article 20*.

    And then there’s “that fucking guy” who says that there should be a Nazi party in Brazil; he’s called Bruno Auib, also known as Monark, some random podcaster. He did not violate the law in letter, but clearly did it in spirit. And later on the same guy went saying “the elections were rigged!” and something like this, so the Brazilian judiciary (Alexandre de Moraes) used the opportunity to demand social media platforms to get rid of his accounts, under the allegation of fake news*.

    And now Rumble is all over the place trying to justify the non-removal of that guy. The platform is Canadian and the decision is from the Brazilian judiciary, and yet they’re babbling about “muh Amurrcan values” and that “gavurrnmenrs urr bullying uz”.

    [I like the outcome of the judiciary decision. The way that it was done was a bit shitty, but better than nothing.]

    *the links are in Portuguese but I can translate relevant excerpts if anyone so desires.

  • 9:45, on the “universal social network”: this can’t be stressed enough.

    No matter how much Musk babbles about “I wanr an errything app! lol lmao”, Twitter won’t become one. The Fediverse however has the potential to become an all-encompassing social network, with different aspects of online interaction being integrated organically.

    There’s a future not too far away where you can share a picture, from an account that you made for video sharing, that’ll get a lot of microblogging toots and spark a discussion in a forum. This would be impossible using Instagram, Youtube, Twitter or Reddit; but once the interfaces get ironed out, it will become reality for PixelFed, Piped, Mastodon, Lemmy and Kbin.