• 4 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月4日


  • I also wonder what the fuck they’re even looking at the site with. Any modern version of Windows can open PDF’s without needing to install additional software. If they’re using Mac’s I’m not sure, but given that Office similarly would need to be installed to open a Word doc I’m pretty sure they could also install a PDF reader at that point …

  • Except that the ability to communicate is a very real skill that’s important for many jobs, and ChatGPT in this case is the equivalent to an advanced version of spelling+grammar check combined with a (sometimes) expert system.

    So yeah, if there’s somebody who can actually write a good introduction letter and answer questions on an interview, verses somebody who just manages to get ChatGPT to generate a cover and answer questions quickly: which one is more likely going to be able to communicate well:

    • with co-workers
    • in a crisis,
    • without potentially providing sensitive data to a third-party tool
    • While providing reliable answers based on fact without “hallucinating”

    Don’t get me wrong, it can even the field for some people in some positions. I know somebody who uses it to generate templates for various questions/situations and then puts in the appropriate details, resulting in a well-formatted communication. It’s quite useful for people who have professional knowledge of a situation but might have lesser writing ability due to being ESL, etc. However, that is always in a situation where there’s time to sanitize the inputs and validate the output, often choosing from and reworking the prompt to get the desired result.

    In many cases it’s not going to be available past the application/overview process due to privacy concerns and it’s still a crap-shoot on providing accurate information. We’ve already seen cases of lawyers and other professionals also relying on it for professional info that turns out to be completely fabricated.

  • It is possible for both sides to be bad. In fact, I’d say it’s pretty common with the retaliation and escalation being “justified” by one side in reaction to what was done by another, resulting in forever-conflicts where stoked by individuals who personally benefit from such.

    In most cases those supporting one or the other never acknowledge that though.

    I’m other words, Hezbollah is garbage. Hamas is garbage. The Israeli government is largely garbage. The fervent supporters of the above that keep them in power… also garbage.

  • Meh. Even small corps often do something well once and then fall to the wayside.Nintendo has been pretty good at recreating their core IP, whether it’s the 3D version of Metroid on GC or open-world Zelda on Switch.

    If they’d actually bought out the Palworld IP (assuming that was an available option) that would have meant cash for the devs and a way to work with it in a way that was unique but inclusive to the Pokemon franchise. A lot of people are getting tired of the latter because it has become rather stagnant, but the new mechanics with the official Pokemon characters/stats/etc could have benefitted both

    Nintendo doesn’t do that though. They don’t go “wow, this looks cool and there’s real interest. Maybe we could work with the dev and make it an official product. They’ve done most of the work already!” It’s lawsuits all the way

  • Yeah, I’m generally ok if somebody is charging a reasonable rent which covers their reasonable mortgage, so long as they’re still taking care of all the other stuff (repairs, city taxes, etc).

    What burns me is people who either a) knowingly buy in a hot, excessively priced market with full intent to charge excessive rents while providing absolutely minimal service or support

    b) bought 10+ years ago but have pumped up rents to the same as those who bought at mortgages 2-3x the rate, citing “market rates” and often doing sketchy things to raise rents including renovictions etc, while being shitty - often absentee - slumlords

    Maybe I’m showing my age, but there did used to be quite a good number of mom & pop type landlords who weren’t shit, and while the commercial ones cost a bit more there was a decent mix.

    Now, the commercial ones are actually mostly a safer bet in small cities. They’ll raise rent every year but consistently, and the decent ones are pretty prompt about repairs and not fucking people over deposits etc. There are bad ones but it’s pretty easy to tell which are which. The problem is of course that availability at the good ones is lower and they do cost more.

    Good private landlords are increasingly hard to come by, as the best ones generally end up quitting after either getting too old or after a bad tenant experience, while the slumlords have leveraged their existing properties to finance buying more and more, leading to a market full of increasingly overpriced mould-monsters.