Jocelynn Rojo Carranza, an 11-year-old girl from Gainesville, Texas, died by suicide after enduring months of bullying over her family’s immigration status.
Classmates allegedly mocked her and threatened to report her family to ICE. The school was aware of the bullying but failed to notify Carranza’s family.
Her mother, Marbella Carranza, only learned of the harassment after her daughter’s death and is now working with investigators and the school to understand what happened and why she was not notified.
They’re celebrating. This is what they want. They want all Hispanic people gone. They never cared about immigration or legal status, they hate Hispanics and they want them all gone, and children are the Hispanics they hate the most. I don’t know if you’ve ever really listened to their rhetoric, but ‘‘I drove by a school and all the kids were Mexicans’’ is a BIG taking point on the right and has been for decades. They want out kids gone by any means.
I never understood them. The American Southwest always had a very large hispanic population… I mean they were there before settlers from the US came along, even racist cartoons from the 1890s and 1900s showed hispanic looking people as being part of the culture there.
This isn’t a common problem, you have an isolated incident with stupid asses.
I know, just around me that they can look at their black ass, hateful souls, “read” the new testament, and mental gymnastic themselves into believing they good, upstanding Christians.
This is the stupidest thing I’ve read all day. I’m Hispanic, nobody wants all of us gone. Stop fear mongering. This is an issue about illegal immigration, from any country.
You been Hispanic this whole time and you haven’t talked to one white person who hates all messicans. And all their kids? At the school specifically? Why do you live where you never talk to white people?
My grandparents came here legally and are super conservative, and they raised us the same. We don’t have any pity for illegals, from any country, even Mexico. Believe it or not, not every single Mexican thinks, acts, or feels the same. I know that’s hard to believe because a lot of us have been brainwashed to think only Democrats care. Trump doesn’t “hate Mexicans.” He’s trying to curb the illegal immigration problem, and the issue is, much of that problem is coming South of the border. This has turned into a “Trump hates all Mexicans!” propaganda machine from the Left, and it’s just ridiculous.
I’m willing to bet when your grandparents came here, it was a lot less difficult to enter the country legally than it is now. Why do you think we put up so many legal obstacles?
I’m sure it was, but are you saying that things should be easier to get into our country? I don’t understand this logic that the Left has… things are changing rapidly in our world, crime, drugs, human trafficking… are all issues that weren’t around years ago…our immigration policies are in place to try and regulate these things. Are you suggesting we should make it easier on people?
Hell yes. Statistically, the world is safer than it has ever been. None of those things are new, we just hear about them more. Fear sells, and it seems you’re buying.
No country on Earth says “hey, let’s make it EASIER to get in!” Get real.
Has little to do with illegal immigration, its a veil for racism and bigotry for the vast majority.
Im a white guy, they might not say it you to be polite but they sure as fuck think i’m an asshole like them and are happy to say it to me.
Your white guilt must be killing you man. Throughout my entire life I’ve never one felt any kind of racism, from anyone but other Mexicans, who would talk down on my and my brother because we “looked white” and didn’t speak Spanish. Silly.