I’d like to thank everyone for my most upvoted post on lemmy ever. Not only have you upvoted it to the top for like 2 days you commented the shit out of it. I’d like to take this opportunity to say fuck the mods of this instance. This was my second post coming off a 30 day ban and I want to say these fucking mods have been nothing but bitches. I’ve never been more attacked on any other instance, subreddit, forum, etc. then I have been in this fucking instance. Not only have I been attacked I’ve been told my memes arent memey enough again and again.
I’ll be honest, I do not know how to make a meme but I keep posting just to piss in these mods cheerios.
Thanks lemmy.world/politicalmemes for being the worst community I’ve ever been a part of.
Murica is drunk off fast food and too weak to fight their tyrannical government
We have cheap debt. It delays things anywhere between 3 months to 100 years.
Finnish hockey reporter went to see 4 Nations tournament in NA and a cab driver in Boston started to talk about politics to him when he heard that he is from Europe. The driver told that Ukraine shouldnt have started the war and told that Trump will end the war. The Finnish reporter told him that actually Russia started the war and the driver didnt believe him. Cab driver also asked is Finland a NATO member. Yes. ”How did Russia respond?” ”We didn’t ask them”. The reporter questioned americans ability to double check the ”news” that are told to them. He said that driving in that cab was like listening to Fox News or Trump speaking himself.
Revolt? when the country is full of these ”cab drivers”.
They live in a culture of cowardice. They think violence is a shameful thing. They’re taught passivity from birth. Instead of learning to fight honourably, they’re taught not to fight at all. Not to yell. Not to argue. Not to protest. Not to kill. It’s the morality underpinning their society. It’s a mind prison that makes them into obedient servants to the master class.
Any resistance we do have gets met with “well aktchually” its not doing enough, its too little too late, where was this when? Maybe stfu and pick up a pitchfork mf
These are the kind of people that can’t even run into each others without going ballistic over a simple greeting and you expect them to enact a revolt LMAO 🤣
Because half of Americans have no idea what’s going on, a quarter of them support the coup, and out of the remaining quarter, 99% are burnt out wage slaves that are just one missed shift away from losing everything. We literally can’t do anything because we are minority; just rats trapped in a maze.
Americans are already revolting.
We still have too much to lose in a revolt. Most people are still materially comfortable (or at least that hasn’t changed because of Trump).
Look, cards on the table, shit IS scary. We’ve got an intelligence apparatus that has every message every one of us has ever sent electronically, and probably microphone data from every Internet connected device we’ve ever been in earshot of, so organizing something a little more potent has to happen nearly spontaneously. You’re dreaming if you think our operatives (or cops for that matter) are above just throwing a bag over your head, breaking your legs and throwing you down a mineshaft. Those intelligence agencies, for most of a century, have been spearheaded by the kind of people that sponsored violent right wing reactionary movements around the world to depose peaceful communist/leftist regimes you’ve maybe never heard of. They’d gladly take this over someone even as far left as Sanders.
Half the country still thinks that everything happening is perfectly cool and normal and totally how a republic works. A lot of the people in power still aren’t convinced that Trump won’t wake up one day and just be normal; they come to each new day of horrors completely shocked and surprised that he continued to be what he said he would, and to suggest that we should maybe do something about that is scandalous to them. Those two things together mean that the meaningful support is not great. Being a lone gunman is unlikely to change much, given that MAGA is a movement, and others around Trump- the people who hand him the EOs, and the billionaires who sponsor them- will remain. Being an armed resistance is effectively a death sentence, and nobody’s quite ready to sign up for that, at least until it’s absolutely clear that the alternative to fighting is just as bad. If I go rogue and catch a bullet, nobody’s going to take care of my family, they’re going to be homeless until RFK sends them off to a camp. Plus, as others have mentioned, it’s pretty goddamn difficult to organize mass protests in DC when everyone who feels like you do is living dollar store hot dog to dollar store hot dog and DC is further from you than Moscow is from London.
For as long as I’ve been alive, the consistent message to the American people has been that help is not coming. The cops will gladly form a task force to come shoot your grandma in her living room, but routinely have argued that they have no duty to protect you. When the BLM protests were happening, a bunch of my coworkers cheered and giggled at videos of cops doing drive by pepper spraying of people who were just walking, and derided that dude (I think it was in Seattle?) who returned fire when the cops shot at him first. When the great recession happened, our government spent a trillion dollars bailing out banks instead of people. If you need assistance, you’re ruthlessly scrutinized and continuously presumed to be a criminal or a parasite, only to be given not nearly enough at the end of it. Not only that, but we’ve even been attacking the helpers. We’ve spent decades eroding the ability to join a union, eroding the efficacy of unions, fighting and propagandizing against them at every turn (it doesn’t help that I’ve had my fair share of experience with worthless unions where the rep wouldn’t even return your calls. I know more people who’ve had experience with weak ass unions than people who’ve had experience with unions that are prepared to bury your boss under a sports stadium). We’re shutting down churches that house the homeless, arresting people who try to feed them, and our authorities have the goddamn audacity to frame that and bulldozing encampments as acts of “compassion” because to not make the homeless miserable is to enable them. Every one fundamentally understands that help is not coming, we must help ourselves, and this is a really, really, really big job for an individual.
So, yeah, I’d say I’m pretty goddamn scared and I feel rational to be so.
The only thing that makes real sense, imo, is to start laying the groundwork for cold balkanization. It will break the federal government’s power, finally allow needed social, legal, and economic changes, and hopefully can be achieved without much bloodshed.
its been so long since i’ve seen an angry german kid meme.
I have bad aim… 😓
…in video games, obviously 😉
(Also, my eyesight kinda sucks too…)
It takes guts and strength. In the mass of population, this is found in people who have nothing to lose. Today, you always have something to lose. It’s called comfort. If you don’t have comfort, someone’s pressuring you in one way or another, and you don’t have strength to rebel. You can’t. Literally.
If you have comfort, why would you rebel at all.
Then, anything goes, no matter how offended you are.
The stupidest win because of fear. They are not inherently stupid, they just make the stupid choice. Making a stupid choice doesn’t make you stupid forever (except in the US).
Bro isnt this why you have a second amendment?
Originally, yes. In the last 50 years, no.
The ones passionate about guns are the same uneducated ones sucking on the propaganda tit. They’re just starting to get inklings that it might have been a bad idea, unfortunately most of them will stick their fingers in their ears and say it’ll all be just fine.
IMO 70:30 we won’t revolt, the silent majority doesn’t like it, but just accepts the Nazi overtake.
We gotta wait for the people with all the guns to feel the pinch.
Guns and ammo are available in pretty much every city in America, just throwing it out there.
You would be suprised. This topic has crossed my circles, every firearms introduction and saftey class within 30 miles is sold out till april. Unless you have a friend who is willing teach you the basics and how to use them safely, you just got to wait in line.
But if Americans revolt, they’ll miss the next season of the great British bake off. They can’t risk it.
Yes it is. But unless YOU personally are willing to risk death, then it means little. The magas seem reasonably content at the moment. And progressives aren’t willing to give up the comforts of life either. Nor are they actually interested in getting their hands dirty by running for any office either. They mostly prefer to whinge on line rather than do much beyond complaints and yard signs.
If and when people are homeless and starving and believe they have no other alternative, then they might pick up a gun. But that point in time isn’t here yet.
Yes. But the Dems decided that was bad and convinced most of their demographic to disarm themselves.
So now 90% of the guns are in the hands of the fascists.
Let’s be real, the issue is that a lot of people agree with what Trump does.
a lot of people
agreeagreed …Seems what they bought is not what they got.
bought is not what they got.
Yeah, that paint is just starting to crack now.
The problem is that they’re getting most of what they want and starting to get some things they don’t want. They’re not going to act until the ratio of want to don’t want is more like 40:60, many of them are of the mindset that as long as everyone is suffering, justice is being served.
Yes. And they’re the ones with the guns.
It’s very impressive how everything you do or don’t do is Dems fault. You would think with this amount of shadow leverage over the public they are actually in control, eh?
Yeah it aint the fault of the dems on the disarmament bullshit, its the fault of the fucking suburban yuppies. I will burn it all.
Aight spiteful Redneck statement out of my system. There are worse yuppies now anyways like the ones out in Palm Springs ugh.
i think the majority of most democrats would be in favor of self defense weapons being legal to own.
We’re mostly against complete idiots having access to dangerous weapons.
So which is it? You can’t have guns and not have them be accessible to people at the same time.
Whether a gun is good or bad depends on timing and perspective. All else being equal, a gun at home is way more likely to kill a member of the household than an assailant. But things aren’t always equal.
I live alone, and don’t have kids over. I ain’t killing myself, and I have decades of experience in firearm safety. So the odds of someone in my household getting hurt by my guns are very low. At the same time, I do live in an area with 40+ minute police response time, so if there is a violent situation, I’m on my own. Guns increase my safety.
But someone with no training, small kids in the house, and in a safe area isn’t in the same situation, and firearms make them less-safe.
Statistics don’t support that notion especially considering the typical demographics of the fastest growing groups of new gun owners being dominanted by POC. Its just that violence without coordination and organization will be called terrorism and they may just kill you on the spot for that regardless. See Willem Von Spronsen and Luigi Mangione.
yeah, there have been SIGNIFICANT increases in gun ownership and training among minorities lately, especially those who are queer/trans.